VELO Status at Liverpool T. Bowcock
Prototype Module(1) Mechanical Design Several different options Reduce complexity Dead reckoning
Prototype Module(2) Similar to TDR Pipe slides through paddle
Prototype Module(3) Single (asymmetric) Cooling Pipe
Prototype Module(4) Base simplified(?) Production in CF
Prototype Module(5) Invar CTE CHE coating
Prototype Module Schedule Mechanical Module(2-4 weeks) Two separate bases Paddles(2) Substrates(4-6) Bonding SCTa Hybrids to Substrates Measurements Alignment of two sides NAS, JC jig and location facility Thermal Tests
Cooling System(1) Complete awaiting safety clearance !!!
Cooling System(2) Safety compliant (factor 10!) certified Leak tested CO 2 monitor
Glues Investigate glue additives Better thermal properties Carbon Nanotubes(multiwall 20micron) Boron Nitride(1micron ceramic) Control resistivity Easily achieve >2WmK Boron Nitride Ceramic mix and leakage current (MPI) Test 3 micron size
Funding for Prototyping Despite recent funding crisis are able to buy (at least) one full prototype run that is non Micron. CIS have made offer(GLC) Delivery schedule p-spray technology for n + n Mask set from CIS Finalize the details – preproduction Review of r.f. foil