The Apocalypse of John REVELATION
Apocalypse; noun 1. the complete & final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation. 2. an event involving destruction or damage on a catastrophic scale.
Purpose To keep alive the flame of faith in difficult times To maintain hope in the coming of the Day of the Lord and of the Kingdom of God
Popularity Graphic Mystifying (Excites Speculation / Unfounded) Symbolism? Literal sense? Bizarre Prediction Frightening Causes Speculation Sensationalism Inordinate curiosity
How Make Application? Would God include a book in the New Testament that had little relevance until 2000 years later?
Date and Occasion Written during period of persecution During reign of Domitian (81 to 96 A.D.) ? During reign of Nero (54 to 68) ?
Date and Occasion 33 A.D.90s Temple Referred To As If Still Standing & Operational
Date and Occasion 33 A.D.90s 70 A.D. Fall of Jerusalem THEORY What if the book wasn’t written in 90s? 70 A.D.
Jerusalem & The Temple Razed
Date and Occasion The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 Predicts catastrophic & unexpected things
The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 When ? “Signs of the times” ? – Wars – Earthquakes – Famines 24 x in Apocalypse Predicts catastrophic & unexpected things
The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 Who was Jesus addressing? Vs. 9 to 13 “YOU” (10 times) Contemporary appeal of present day applications of Revelation as if prophecy applied directly to contemporary American Churches / Christians
The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 To whom was this written ? Vs. 9 to 13 “YOU” (10 times) “THIS GENERATION” MARK 13:30 Persecution
The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 Vs Abomination of Desolation ? Vs. 14 Flee to the mountains!
FULFILLED !!!!! 70 A.D. Two Prophecies Except for one thing...
The Olivet Discourse: Mark 13 Vs. 21 to 27 Astronomical Signs Son Coming in Power on Clouds Vs This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
Flavius Josephus
Objection The Antichrist The Man of Lawlessness The Beast All The SAME ?
“The Beast” Revelation 13 & 17 CRYPTOGRAM ? 13: 18 17: Seven Mountains 17:9
Introduction 1:1-8 “The revelation of Jesus Christ” TWO POSSIBLE MEANINGS – Christ is the subject – Christ now gives Word that he did not possess in the days of his flesh (Matt 24:36)
Four Portraits of Christ Jesus 1 to 3 - Christ in the Churches 4 to 5 - Christ before the Throne 6 to 16 - Christ in Judgment 17 to 22 - Christ in Eternity
Introduction: Purpose (1:1) “... to show unto his servants things that must shortly come to pass...” 1. Perils of the Church 2. Trends in world politics, religion, and society 3. Ultimate outcome
Introduction: Time of Fulfillment 1:3 “... The time is at hand.“ (OR) “... The time is near.” 22:7, 10, 12, 20
Introduction: Dedication (1:5b – 6) Three Things Christ Has Done that Move us to Worship and Grateful Praise 1. He loved us (motive) 2. He loosed us from our sins ( work ) 3. He made us to be a kingdom and priests (destiny)
Introduction: Motto (1:7) Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, “COME”/ “COMING” = 65 X
Authority Message from Jesus Christ & God the Father 1:1, 10, 11 22: 16, 20 22:
Structure Four Visions “... in the Spirit.. “ 1:10 4:2 17:3 21:10
ForWhat? Christ’s Return is Imminent Nothing remains to be fulfilled Nothing can postpone or inhibit
For What? Rejoice and Believe in the Triumph of the Lamb Hope in the Lord Recognize and Resist False Teaching
For What? Prepare for the possibility of persecution
For What? Heal the breaches in the body of Christ 10:1-7 The Seven Thunders