What has the Lord entrusted to us?
We train servants of God to make disciples of all nations and fulfill the Great Commission. How do we do this?
We teach them how to preach the gospel as Jesus commanded his disciples: What did Jesus command them?
“Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’ ” ( Luke 10:9)
We send out trained servants of God primarily to unreached areas to:
preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in evangelistic events including Feeding Events and then plant new congregations in villages where there are no churches
What we have accomplished since 2000
As of 2015, we have trained tens of thousands of servants of God and disciples in over forty countries around the world (and counting).
In India alone, over 2,300,000 souls have accepted Jesus Christ through the co-workers we trained and currently support.
In just one event in India where one of our trained co-workers preached in a tent, over one million souls accepted Jesus Christ…
One end of the 50-acre tent holding 2,000,000 people:
The crowd inside the tent:
The goals of The Elijah Challenge
Training one million servants of God and disciples by 2025… to win one billion souls by 2035 (“if the Lord tarries”)
Join us.