Angels We Have Heard on High
CCLI# Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plains; And the mountains, in reply, echoing their joyous strains
CCLI# Glo – ria, in excelsis Deo! Glo – ria, in excelsis De - o!
CCLI# Shepherds, why this jubilee, why your joyous strains prolong? Say what may the tidings be, which inspire your heav’nly song?
CCLI# Glo – ria, in excelsis Deo! Glo – ria, in excelsis De - o!
CCLI# Come to Bethlehem and see, Him whose birth the angels sing; Come adore on bended knee, Christ, the Lord, the newborn King!
CCLI# Glo – ria, in excelsis Deo! Glo – ria, in excelsis De - o!
CCLI# Glo – ria, in excelsis De - o!
Here is Our King
CCLI# From wherever spring arrives to heal the ground From wherever searching comes, the look itself
CCLI# A trace of what we’re looking for So be quiet now, and wait
CCLI# The ocean is growing The tide is coming in, here it is
CCLI# Here is our King, Here is our love Here is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, he is Jesus
CCLI# And what was said to the rose to make it unfold Was said to me here in my chest So be quiet now and rest
CCLI# The ocean is growing The tide is coming in, here it is
CCLI# Here is our King, Here is our love Here is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus
CCLI# He is our King, He is our love He is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus
CCLI# Majesty, finally Majesty, finally here
CCLI# Here is our King, Here is our love Here is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus
CCLI# He is our King, He is our love He is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus
CCLI# He is our King, He is our love He is our God who’s come to bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus
CCLI# Majesty, finally Majesty, finally here
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
CCLI# Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand
CCLI# The shadow of a mighty rock Within a weary land
CCLI# A home within the wilderness, A rest upon the way
CCLI# From the burning of the noontide heat And the burden of the day
CCLI# Upon the cross of Jesus Mine eyes at times can see
CCLI# The very dying form of One Who suffered there for me
CCLI# And from my stricken heart with tears Two wonders I confess:
CCLI# The wonders of redeeming love And my unworthiness
I take, o cross, thy shadow For my abiding place
CCLI# I ask no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face
CCLI# Content to let the world go by To know no gain nor loss
CCLI# My sinful self my only shame My glory all the cross
CCLI# My sinful self my only shame My glory all the cross
Here I Am to Worship
CCLI# Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes and let me see
CCLI# Beauty that made this heart adore You, Hope of a life spent with You
CCLI# Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God
CCLI# You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me
CCLI# King of all days, Oh so highly exalted, Glorious in heaven above
CCLI# Humbly You came to the earth You created, All for love’s sake became poor
CCLI# Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God
CCLI# You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me
CCLI# And I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross
CCLI# I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross
CCLI# And I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross
CCLI# I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross
CCLI# Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God
CCLI# You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me
CCLI# Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God
CCLI# You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me
Jesus Messiah
CCLI# He became sin, who knew no sin, that we might become His righteousness He humbled Himself, and carried the cross
CCLI# Love so amazing, Love so amazing…
CCLI# Jesus Messiah, name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
CCLI# The Rescue for Sinners, The Ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
CCLI# His body the bread, His blood the wine, broken and poured out all for love The whole earth trembled, and the veil was torn
CCLI# Love so amazing, Love so amazing…
CCLI# Jesus Messiah, name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
CCLI# The Rescue for Sinners, The Ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
CCLI# All our hope is in You, All our hope is in You All the glory to You, God, the Light of the World!
CCLI# Jesus Messiah, name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel
CCLI# The Rescue for Sinners, The Ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all
CCLI# Jesus Messiah, Lord of all You’re the Lord of all, The Lord of all
Point One
Point Two
Point Three
Oh Come, All Ye Faithful
CCLI# Of come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant
CCLI# Oh come ye, Oh come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him, born the king of angels!
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord
CCLI# Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all ye citizens of Heav’n above!
CCLI# Glory to God, all Glory in the highest
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord
CCLI# Yea, Lord we greet Thee, Born this happy morning, Jesus to Thee be all glory giv’n
CCLI# Word of the Father Now in flesh appearing
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him
CCLI# O, come let us adore Him Christ, the Lord