2 MECOVI is the Spanish acronym for Programme for Improvement of Surveys and Measurement of Living Conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean. MECOVI
3 Purpose of Project To provide institutional strengthening for Statistics Offices in five selected OECS countries to enable them to plan and implement Surveys of Living Conditions.
4 Selected Countries Countries: Dominica Grenada St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent & Grenadines
5 Duration and Cost of Project Duration: Three (3) years – October 2003 – October Financing: World Bank Cost of project: a. Original cost: US$400, b. Revised cost: US$482,520.00
6 SPARC/MECOVI Project MECOVI is a component of the “Support for Poverty Assessment And Reduction in the Caribbean (SPARC) Programme”.
7 Focus 1. Poverty Reduction Enhancing capacity for developing and evaluating poverty reduction policies and strategies
8 Focus 2.Data Collection/Analysis Strengthening national Statistics Offices to enable them to collect and analyse data necessary for poverty measurements.
9 Components of MECOVI 1. Strengthening of survey design and implementation; 2. Promotion of wide use of survey results and dissemination; 3. Building capacity for poverty monitoring and program evaluation.
10 Component 1 - Activities 1. Strengthening of survey design and implementation: a. Construction of sample frames and selection of samples. b. Designing and development of core questionnaire and enumerator manual to conduct Survey of Living Conditions (SLCs).
11 Component 1 - Activities d. Updating and development of survey maps. e. Assessment of Statistics Offices capacity to conduct SLCs. f. Assessment of Statistics Offices capacity to conduct statistical analyses of SLCs outputs.
12 Component 1- Activities g.Designing and development of strategies and methodologies for data processing.
13 Component 2 – Activities 2.Promotion of wide use of survey results and dissemination: a. Modernisation of Statistical Information System b. Designing and development of Regional Statistical Data Base. c. Designing and development of data dissemination strategies.
14 Component 3 - Activities 3. Building capacities for poverty monitoring and program evaluation. a. Training Seminars & Workshops in poverty measurement and social policy analysis. b. Profiling of living conditions and building poverty indicator framework
15 Achievements /Status Convening of Project Inception Meeting Technical & Advisory Committee established and functioning. Completion of activities in component one (1). Commencement of activities in component three (3). Meeting with CDB and UNDP to collaborate on project implementation.
16 Deliverables Met Sample frames are available to Statistics Offices for the selection of samples for upcoming SLCs. Core questionnaire and enumerator manual available to all Statistics Offices. Some Statistics Offices have been provided with updated and new survey maps.
17 Deliverables Met Recommendations for improving Statistics Offices capacity to conduct SLCs. Recommendations for improving Statistics Offices capacity to conduct statistical analysis from SLC data. Strategies and methodologies to conduct data processing.
18 Deliverables Met Training seminar to enhance poverty measurement and social policy analysis capacity of staffs from Statistics Offices, Ministries of Finance and Social Transformation. Meeting of Technical & Advisory Committee to review project implementation and execution.
19 Deliverables Met Collaboration between OECS Secretariat, CDB and UNDP in executing certain aspects of the project.
20 Activities To Be Undertaken Meeting Technical & Advisory Committee – three (3). Continued implementation of activities in components three (3). Training seminar planned for Grenada from 7 th – 18 th November. Distribution of Consultants reports and other deliverables to Statistics Offices.
21 Activities To Be Undertaken Training Seminars in Social Policy analysis and poverty measurements – two (2). Micro Soft Access training – one (1). SPSS training – one (1). Teleform Software training – one (1). Production of enumeration district maps and canvassing training – one (1). Survey and sample design training – one (1).
22 Follow Up Request project extension to support capacity building in poverty measurement and social policy analysis Continue collaboration with other agencies and organizations in implementing project.
23 Estimated Cost To Fund Ongoing And Planned Project Activities Estimated budget (July 2005 – June 2006): US$282,520.00