Spectroscopy Light in chemistry
The Nature of Light Acts as both a particle and a wave Photoelectric effect only explained through waves Interference, diffraction, polarization only through particles
Light! As a wave... it has an amplitude, frequency, speed (speed of light), and length different lengths=different colors low-energy waves have long wavelengths; high-energy waves have shorter ones.
Low-energy v. High-energy
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Types of Spectra Continuous light is composed of a continuous range of energies-colors Discrete emission- bright lines at very distinct energies absorption- dark lines
Continuous Spectra heat radiation through light broad range of wavelengths- continuous range of energies/colors YOU emit heat radiation through light waves are too long to be seen (infrared)
Discrete Spectra- Emission Quantum Mechanics: Electron clouds can only have specific energies each element has its own set of possibilities- identifiable Atoms tend to settle to ground state- requires the least amount of energy
Emission Line Spectra When an atom from a higher energy level settles to a lower level, it gets rid of energy through the emission of light
Emission Line Spectra Smaller energy jumps=smaller energy photons emitted=longer wavelengths Larger energy jumps=higher energy photons emitted=shorter wavelengths
But sometimes... THEY GET EXCITED! and they jump to a higher energy level, rather than settling down. atoms can absorb that energy-specific photon ABSORPTION line spectra
Dark-line absorption spectrum
So what does this have to do with anything?
You will be identifying compounds using a spectrometer!
Beam of light separates into its “component wavelengths” through a diffraction grating (or a prism) Each single beam is then split into two equally intense beams by the half- mirror contraption UV-Visible Spectroscopy
One beam (sample) goes through the cuvette containing the compound being studied in transparent solvent Light absorption- I Reference beam passes through reference cuvette only with solvent (control) Light absorption- I 0
UV-Visible Spectroscopy If the compound doesn’t absorb light, then I=I 0 If the compound absorbs light, then I<I 0 Absorption can be presented as transmittance (I/I 0 ) or as absorbance (log I 0 /I) Absorbance of 0= 100% Transmittance Absorbance of 2= 1% Transmittance
UV-Visible Spectroscopy The absorbance of a sample is proportional to its molar concentration in the sample cuvette When comparing different compounds, you consider a molar absorptivity value Absorbance/ (concentration)(length of light path through cuvette)
How to use the spectrometer Wear gloves or be very careful with the cuvettes- fingerprints affect the results of the experiment! Set the spectrometer to the desired wavelength, insert reference cuvette, and hit “set zero” button to calibrate Insert the sample solution to measure its absorbency (if you do this multiple times, make sure that you zero the spec. with the reference cuvette in between each sample)
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