Finished Future Actions Unit 3 Grammar Lesson II Finished Future Actions
Finished Future Actions In this lesson, we’ll learn Future Perfect tense with the verbs expect, hope, intend, or plan. The grammar formula of Future Perfect is: Subject + will have + verb (past participle) + time words Example 1: Jonathan will have bought a new house in 2015. In Spanish, this sentence reads like this: Jonathan habrá comprado una casa nueva en 2015. Example 2: By March my father will have saved enough money for my trip. Para Marzo, my padre habrá ahorrado suficiente dinero para mi viaje.
Finished Future Actions Let’s review all the previous models compare them with our new model: George plans to buy a new house in 2010. George plans to have bought a new house in 10 years. The new sentence below is clearly a Finished Future Action: George will have bought a new house in 2010 (in 10 years). Because George will buy a house in the future, and the action will be finished in 2010 (in 10 years). { Future Plans
Finished Future Actions The last grammar model involves writing 2 clauses – an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause will happen only if the independent clause happens first. The independent clause – also referred to as adverbial clause – is written in Present Perfect; and the dependent clause is often written in future or present continuous with future meaning. Examples: When I’ve completed my homework, I’ll go out with my friends. I’m going out with my friends once I’ve finished my homework. independent clause dependent clause
Finished Future Actions Was this information helpful? If it was, now you can continue writing your own sentences. Use other verbs, like plan, intend, expect, and hope. If it wasn’t, ask your teacher for further help or examples of sentences.