Meningitec Teresa Davis 2011
Meningitec Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine 1 of 3 vaccines to protect against Neisseria meningitidis group C Does not proctect against A B W Y
Active Ingredients Each.5 ml dose contains 10ug of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C oligosaccharide conjugated to 15ug Diphtheriae carrier protein. Aluminium phosphate Sodium chloride H2O
Presentation Prefilled syringe – without a needle .5 ml White suspension
Indications For active immunisation from 6 weeks of age to prevent Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C Not recommended in any elderly populations
Contradications Hypersensitivity of any components of the vaccine Any significant neurological s&s or allergic or anaphylactic reaction to prior dose of Meningitec Severe febrile illness Does not contain eggs or nuts
Precautions Coagulation disorders – only because of the IM injection Impaired immune responsive patients – may have a reduce antibody response to active immunisation Not recommended for pregnant or lactating mothers lactating mothers
Interactions Can be administered at the same time as -Oral Polio, Hep B, Hib, DTaP and DT whole cell Pertussis, PCV7 and MMR -Oral Polio, Hep B, Hib, DTaP and DT whole cell Pertussis, PCV7 and MMR Lower levels of Meningococcal C antibodies have been reported with co-administration of Meningitec and aP Spacing either simultaneously or at any time before or after
Storage Keep in original packaging Refrigerate between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius If exposed to temps above 8 degrees Celsius for 48 hrs accumulatively – must be destroyed. DO NOT freeze
Administration Shake well before use IM injection only Anterolateral thigh in infants and deltoid in older children, adolescents and adults NOT the gluteal area
Common (Mild) Adverse Reactions Local reaction Headache, dizziness and light-headedness Aching muscles Sleepiness or unsettled sleep Feeling unwell Unusual high- pitched cry Reduced eating and drinking D’s and V’s Stomach cramps or pain Dyspepsia Fever
Very Rare Adverse Events Swollen glands in neck, armpits or groin HHE – hyptonic, hyporesponsive episode Pins and needles Petechiae or purpura Loss of muscle tone Decreased sensitivity to touch.
Ordering Ordering
FAX TO: Whangarei Northland District Health Board (NDHB) Meningitec Vaccine Fax Order Form Account Name: Account No: Delivery Address: Date Required: Contact Name:Contact Phone: Special Delivery Instructions: Vaccine Description Proprietary name (manufacturer) of currently supplied vaccine No of doses per pfs Minimum quantity to order PRP CODE No of doses required Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine.5mlMeningitec (Pfizer)1? Please note: If ordering in large volumes, it is recommended that you order the Meningitec vaccine in multiples of 70 doses as this will be the optimum quantity per chilly bin.
Authorised Vaccinator Standing Orders Perscription
September 29, 2011 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORISATION OF CURRENTLY AUTHORISED VACCINATORS FOR THE MENINGOCOCCAL C VACCINATION PROGRAMME VACCINATOR’S NAME: ……………………………………………..……………..……… WORK POSTAL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………. WORK PHONE NUMBER: ………………………………………………………………… Meningococcal C Immunisation Programme approved by the Medical Officer of Health, Northland District Health Board. Please provide the following: A copy of your current non-medical vaccinator authorisation Please note that vaccinators intending to vaccinate in community-based settings (outreach or offsite) will also need to attach a copy of their Northland DHB Clinical Audit for Community-based Vaccinators. 1.A copy of your current practicing certificate. Evidence of indemnity insurance □ I have read the Meningitec® data sheet OR attended a Meningococcal C programme CNE session. Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Signed: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……/……/11
Out of the Programme Dosage For infants less than 12 months - three doses at least 1 month apart - three doses at least 1 month apart - with a booster dose at or after 12 - with a booster dose at or after 12 months months Very pre term babies – risk of apnoea – give and monitor
References Consumer and Health Professional data sheets Immunisation Handbook 2011 Med Division Pfizer Australia
Measles Monday 3 Oct 200 confirmed cases of measles in the Auckland region since 30 May 0900 hour 10 confirmed cases reported between Friday 9 am and Monday 9 am a further 8 suspected cases under investigation