Championing Young Peoples Learning London Strategic Analysis Transforming challenge into opportunity Doug Norris
Championing Young Peoples Learning What is the Strategic Analysis? Statistical basis for planning and commissioning education and training for young Londoners. Informed guide on the education, training and employment landscape for young people in London. Directly supports the commissioning process as set-out in the NCF. It should trigger further lines of enquiry and be used in conjunction with other data resources such as the YPLA National Core Dataset and MIDAS.
Championing Young Peoples Learning The London story Jointly produced by YPLA and RPG Format specific to London Regional level analysis with links to local authority and national figures Draft report released to local authorities on Provider Gateway. Formal release in September Key themes of Employer skills needs, Participation and Achievement
Championing Young Peoples Learning SUMMARY OF FINDINGS
Championing Young Peoples Learning London Infrastructure Overview £915m allocated to FE and school Sixth Form provision in 2010/ providers funded to deliver provision in 2010/11 Just over two thirds of providers are School Sixth Forms and 15% are FE institutions Over £500m invested in 67 capital projects between 2004 and Academies funded in 2010
Championing Young Peoples Learning Pre-16 attainment GCSE 5A*-C (inc E&M) of 54% in 08/09 in line with national average Improvement in all boroughs Significant variation (43% to 68%); Attainment gap a key issue….. Attainment gap for 5 A*-C GCSE including Maths and English (2009) Follow links provided in the report for local authority level information
Championing Young Peoples Learning Londons Economy Workforce Approx 4.68 million workers 600,000 people self-employed High correlation between qualifications and employability 88% employment rate for those qualified to degree, but 65% rate for those without Level 2 Employers and Young People London employers less likely to recruit school/college leavers; and to say they are less well prepared for work. Poor attitude or lack of motivation is a key issue
Championing Young Peoples Learning Who is in learning? 86% of 17 yr. olds in learning compared to 94% 16 yr. olds indicating a high drop-out rate School censuses indicate increase in Yr. 12 and 13 numbers - contrast to decrease projected by GLA and ONS yr. olds in employment fell from 7.1% to 4.9% in Dec 2009 Majority of learners on L3 courses
Championing Young Peoples Learning Who is not in learning? 14 boroughs have NEET levels above regional average of 5.3% Significant borough variations in both NEET levels and cohort Significant fall in participation at 17 especially for maintained schools from 16 to 17 9% gap in London: above national av. since 2002 fall varies across London, from 13% to 2%, with over half of outer London boroughs exceeding the regional average. further exploration needed on why learners leave participation at 17
Championing Young Peoples Learning NEET by borough
Championing Young Peoples Learning GCSE and A Level achievement GCSE point scores below required minimum for some L3 provision London av. is above the required minimum 68 colleges and schools had students entering with scores below the minimum A-Level points score per candidate lowest in the country points compared to nationally Av. points score per student did improve by approx. a third of a grade in 2008/09 Significant variation between outer and inner London
Championing Young Peoples Learning Level 2 / Level 3 achievement by 19 Improved year on year and now exceeds the national average Significant variation within London Progress towards reducing the attainment gap also needs to be looked at on a borough by borough basis See Core Dataset and MIDAS for more information, Including attainment by eligibility for free school meals
Championing Young Peoples Learning What can I use it for? Regional overview of landscape in London Robust evidence base to support the wider young peoples strategy for London Identify local issues against the regional picture and neighbouring boroughs Additional resource to MIDAS and Local Authority Core Datasets Identifying key areas for further exploration Also useful for……?
Championing Young Peoples Learning What do you think? Does it cover what you need to know? How can it/has it been used to inform planning? What local and regional issues need to be explored further? What do you like/dislike about the report? How widely has it been shared with your LA colleagues?