What does WWW stand for? And following abbreviations? HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTML: Hyper Text Mark-up Language URL: Uniform Resource Locator XML: Extensible Mark-up Language
Describe a complete Web browsing session. User request DNS lookup HTTP Request Send Get / HTTP /1.1 Server checks request Server sends back HTML Document or result via HTTP
What is a dynamic Web site? What is a static Web site? Static (content and design) –Web sites will be a flat-file system of HTML files –The requirements for a static site are mostly content related –All pages reside on the server and have fixed content that will be served “as is” to the user –The dynamic generation of Web pages is impossible –Content and presentation are merged Dynamic (content, design and programming) –The contents be stored in a database –Dynamic site will have content requirements and functionality requirements –Database-driven site separates content from presentation
Tell the advantages of a dynamic Web site. –Dynamic generation of pages –Individually tailored content –The use of pre-designed templates ensures uniformity in page appearance –Search capability –Ease of management and updating –Simplification of site maintenance
Name any three of the Web site content organization models. Linear Model Grid Model Pure Web Model Hierarchy Model
Write an HTML code to create the following effect (Alignment should also be considered). NAME ROOM TELEPHONE ZHANFANG ZHAO T NAME ROOM TELEPHONE ZHANFANG ZHAO T
Write a web page to display following structure. Frame1 Frame2Frame3
What is the syntax to use form on a web page? Give an example! …………………
What is client profiling? Explain the importance of client profiling. Client profiling will collect the following information about the client application –What platform are currently used on the network? –What browsers are used? –What screen resolutions are supported? –Has the user been to the site before? –What language does the user speak? –What are her/his likes and dislikes? In brief, the client profiling is simply the idea of trying to determine as much as possible about the client’s system and then designing the site or modifying the site to meet a particular configuration for users.
What is hypertext? Hypertext: –A large body of information is organized into numerous pages, or, in the case of the Web, into pages –The pages relate to each other –A user needs only a small fraction of the info at any given time