The SINGS SED Tool Daniela Calzetti (STScI) June 10 th, 2002 SSC Deliverable SSC Deliverable – IDL Image Analysis Software to provide: o PSF-matched, common-coordinate-system, multi-wavelength (UV, optical, infrared, SIRTF, radio) images o SEDs from user-selected positions and circular apertures on multi-wavelength images
General Tool Description Characteristics: written in IDL uses basic IDL astronomical library composed of multiple, stand-alone routines needs to be installed locally on user’s computer coded by professional programmer (Don Lindler, e.g. STIS GTO pipeline) cost-effective: recycles existing routines/widgets
General Tool Description (2) Capabilities: Rotates, rescales, interpolates multiple (multi- ) images of an object to common coordinate system and resolution; uses both bi-linear interpolation and drizzle (batch mode) Convolves images to a selected PSF from available choices: IRAC 8 m and MIPS 24, 70, 160 m PSFs (batch mode) Allows selection of multiple circular apertures on reference image, plus circular background regions (interactive widget) Calculates total and background-subtracted fluxes in selected apertures from the original images.
General Tool Description (3) Inputs: Set of n calibrated science images with world coordinate system astrometry header (FITS images; e.g., multiple wavebands of a target) Associated uncertainty images (FITS images; if not present, gain keyword will be used) PSF library (FITS images; SINGS provided) Outputs: Aligned/convolved images (multi-extension FITS image) Fluxes and background values and uncertainties for all wavebands in each aperture (SEDs; ASCII file) Imprints of apertures on original images (postscript)
General Tool Description (4) Advantages over existing IRAF tools: Simultaneous flux measurements in n images with multiple apertures and backgrounds Measurements done on original images Creation of SED file for all specified apertures Treatment/propagation of uncertainties Deliverable to SSC IDL routines Help file/documentation for installation and use
Schedule MilestoneDatesFTEs Requirements develop.03/01/01-07/01/01 (DONE!) 1 wk (DC) Code development Delivery v1.0 01/01/02-06/07/02 06/07/02 (DONE!) 5 wks (DL) Testing v1.006/11/02-09/30/022 wks (SINGS) Code improvement Delivery v2.0 09/30/02-12/31/02 12/31/02 2 wks (DL) Testing v2.0 (real SIRTF data) 01/01/03-12/01/034 wks (SINGS) Debugging/Delivery v3.003/31/042 wks (DL) SSC DeliveryL+27
The SINGS Web site The community-accessible WWW site to the SINGS project Daniela Calzetti and Claus Leitherer (STScI)
The SINGS WWW: Scope and Location Scope: To provide the community with shortcuts and links to the (potentially multiple) archives where SINGS data and tools will be located: – SIRTF and ancillary data, and tools archived at IRSA – HST/NICMOS data archived in MAST – Links to complementary data (not SSC-delivered) that may not be systematically archived and/or NED To provide the community with general information and documentation on the SINGS project. Physical Location: Dedicated hard-disk at STScI attached to STARBURST99 server (disk space not an issue) Mirror site at Arizona Accessible from STScI WWW Main Page
The SINGS WWW: Structure Structure: The Web pages will be developed by STScI computer intern Julia Chen The pages will NOT use frames (for robustness) A simplified search capability will be provided (not a search engine) The Main page will contain introductory information on the project, and will provide access to archives (as appropriate) and further SINGS-related documentation Question/Issue: Will we be able to link directly to individual IRSA products, or will we need to send users to the IRSA main page?
WWW Schedule MilestoneDatesFTEs Requirements develop.06/01/01 – 02/20/021 wk (DC) Pages development06/01/02 – 09/30/022 wks (JC) 1 wks (CL) Testing09/30/02 – 12/31/022 wks (SINGS) Outside accessibility12/31/02
Back-up Slides
The SINGS WWW: Accessing the Data