Dec 0605 Team Leader Ryan Wiegel (Cpr E) Team Members Kyle Curran (Cpr E) Seth Gillespie (Cpr E) Carlos Ortiz (Cpr E) Advisor Dr. Manimaran Govindarasu (EE/CprE) Client Iowa Department of Human Services Marion Kresse IntroductionProject Schedule Problem StatementOperating Environment Develop a web application that will inform families of children with handicaps about what programs are available to help them. The finished web application will be hosted on a Windows server. The web application will be viewable in all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, or Opera. Assumptions The web page is to be used by residents of the State of Iowa. The users are assumed to possess basic internet navigation skills. The user will be able to read at a middle school level. The list of survey questions will be provided. Limitations The project must be completed by December The end product must be BOBBY compliant. The web page must be HIPAA compliant. The initial version will include 5 services. Intended Users & Uses Employees of Iowa Compass, DHS, and other disability agencies. Disabled Iowans and their families. The web page is to be used to find out for which disability services a person may be eligible. End Product Software Application Online Help Documentation Administrative Users Manual Project Requirements Design Objectives Create a searchable database for eligibility requirements Create a web application that allows an user to access the disability program database Create administration console Integrate map software into the existing search program Functional Requirements Anonymous search capability Ability to add, remove, or edit services Secure transfer of all personal information Design Constraints Users may have limited computer knowledge/training Must be BOBBY compliant Will initially include 18 services Measurable Milestones Create initial web forms Integrate web forms with XML eligibility database Integrate web forms with SQL database of services Deploy test environment on host server Integrate final web forms with Iowa COMPASS web page Estimated Personnel Hours/Category (814 Total Hours) Estimated Cost for Spring 2006 ($8,188, including labor) Proposed Approach Administrator web application to add/edit/remove services available to the application. XML database to store the services added by the administrator. Client web application which based on user information and answers to questions set by the administrator, provides the user a list of services for which they might be eligible for. Google map with location of services in the results page. The Iowa Department of Human Services (IDHS) provides many different types of services to people with many different disabilities. The IDHS has requested that an online web form be created to assist people in determining which services might be available to help them. The final product will be a web application with a user- friendly interface to allow a person to easily find the services that may be available to them based upon their disabilities. Abstract Technologies Considered Database SQL Server XML files GIS Software Google Maps API Mapzoom Development Technologies PHP ASP.NET Programming Language C# Visual C++ Testing Considerations Unit Testing of components Black-Box and Regression Testing Integration Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing Site Testing Many people suffer from a variety of physical and mental ailments. While there are many public assistance programs available, there is no way to get information about these programs to the people who need them. The team’s plan for this project is to create one, centralized website that a person in need can go to and easily get all of the information they need. The website envisioned by the team will be able to determine a person’s needs and find all of the programs for which they may be eligible. Estimated ResourcesApproach and ConsiderationsClosing Summary Figure 1: Client-side Screen Flow Figure 3: Administrator Screen Flow Figure 2: XML Database Schema Figure 4: System Interaction Diagram Database and Web Search Application for Disabled Adults and Children