Real Estate Services Tracking System (RTS) Hanford Site Richland, WA Stephanie Lathim
Purpose Replace existing manual methodology with a turn-key cost effective web-based application. Links databases to validate Building Managers (BMs) and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
RTS Automation Process Upload FIMS AdHoc into the application. Reviewer assigned to every Real Property Asset in FIMS: Building Manager (BM) Building Administrator Designated Subject Matter Expert (SME) sent to each reviewer with the following: Description of assignment FIMS Data Dictionary Link to RTS application BMs and SMEs review Real Property Assets for accuracy and make changes before saving and submitting. Assets may be re-assigned for any reason. Administrator can emulate user screens. When a data validation is complete, the FIMS Administrator receives a notification . All changes are recorded in the application and in an excel spreadsheet which can be downloaded then uploaded back into FIMS. Search capability in the application creates efficiencies when looking up data especially during validations. FIMS Data Validation Process FIMS Data Call Process
Part I: Administrators
Upload FIMS Adhoc Report
Send Validation Request –Add a custom message that will be delivered to the BMs and SMEs; change default due dates.
The default message goes out to all recipients. The FIMS data dictionary and RTS user’s guide are attached to the .
Building Manager Assignments –Allows the administrator to assign specific buildings to a new Building Manager
New Due Date
Building Manager Listing-Late Due Dates –Red shows the due date is overdue –Yellow shows the due date is due within two days –Green shows the due date is due today John Doe
Dashboard with Late Due Dates Buttons next to each entry will allow the administrator to send notices. John Doe
Part 2: Users Home Page
Begin Validation
Changes to Data Elements
RTS Automation Benefits Replaces manual methodology RTS –Revolutionizes the FIMS data collection process –Increases completeness and accuracy –Retains all information in electronic format –Enhances reviewer assignment and performance tracking –Search capability for validations –Significantly reduces process turnaround times