Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Tackling Inequality to Achieve Excellence Capital Ambition Equalities Programme
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Journey so far Phase 1: OPM Research 2006/7 – Solid understanding of needs established Phase 2: Advisory and Support Project 2007/8 – capacity and confidence of officers developed Phase 3: Seminar Programme - Generated thinking around the bigger picture
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city A Changing Landscape Equality Bill Equality Framework for Local Government Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) Recession Political change
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Future Direction Leadership: equality + efficiency = excellence Strategic: tackling inequality; performing excellent Operational: developing capacity, competence and confidence
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Outcomes There is considered direction from leaders to the impact of the changing political and economic climate on inequality in London. A sophisticated understanding of inequality is built into local strategic priorities and integral to local area performance Practitioners have the knowledge, skills, confidence and work collaboratively with their peers to lead the equalities agenda in a changing context.
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Outputs Leadership: Equality and efficiency guide and leadership roundtable Strategic: ? Operational: Practitioner leadership programme
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city CAA Promoting equality and tackling discrimination is central to our core role of assessing whether public services provide value for money. Councils and their partners will be judged in the CAA upon how well they understand the local impact of the recession and are responding to mitigate the impact on their communities and prepare for the upturn. Audit Commission
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city CAA London Performance How well do local priorities express community needs and aspirations? LSP understanding of local communities generally strong Particularly poverty and deprivation by wards and BME mix Health inequalities and inequality among children and young people Innovative engagement models But struggle to demonstrate impact of engagement
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city CAA London Performance How well are the outcomes and improvements needed being delivered? Mixed picture across London Deprivation: large reductions in Westminster & Camden compared to increases in Haringey & Islington; partly Newham and Tower Hamlets Improving educational achievement - particularly BME, but many gaps remain Health inequalities – significant gaps remain across London Social housing provision incl responses to homelessness as issue across London. Also strategic approach to private rented sector weak Limited outcomes identified from large regeneration projects Limited outcomes identified from Olympic projects Older people (over 65s) – poor Place Survey response in London to support them to stay in their homes Thriving third sector – poor Place Survey results nationally and in London
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city How can we support you?
Apprenticeship target for London authorities (2000 more by 2012) World class services for a world class city Ambition All London local authorities at excellent level of the Equality Framework for Local Government by 2012