©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 1 A.Starts with an Individual Reflection... B....followed by an Input on Change... C....to be discussed in the Groups... D....and to be shared in the Plenary.
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 2 A.Individual Reflection-Exercise 1.Which changes did you face during the last 5-10 years? (business or private) 2. Which of them- did you initialise? and which - have been imposed on you? 3.How would you describe your typical behaviour dealing with change?
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 3 B.Input about Dealing with Change and your task afterwards: „Which similarities do you detect between the patterns / phases / characters presented and your personal reflections about your typical behaviour dealing with change?“
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 4 B.Input about Dealing with Change......expect to get different typical patterns when dealing with change I A typical pattern when the change is perceived as negative II... and one for changes that we consider to be positive. III A „Change house“ with four rooms and... IV... four Characters (Sniff, Scurry, Hem + Haw) resembling different parts of us (=> “Who moved my Cheese“)
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 5 I. Emotional Responses to Change perceived as Negative adapted from: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross time 1. Denial „ There must be some mistake“ 2. Anger „Why me?“ 3. Bargaining „I want to make a deal“ 4. Depression „There is no deal“ 5. Acceptance „Letting go and open up for the new situation“ Testing emotional response
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 6 II. Emotional Responses on Change perceived as positive adapted from: D.Kelley + D.R. Connor time emotional response 3. Hopeful Realism (hope) “There may still be good aspects in the whole project“ 4. Justified Optimism (trust) 5. Completion (satisfaction) 1. Blinded Optimism (certainty) 2. Informed Pessimism (doubts) “It‘s not really what I expected at the beginning“ Danger of resignation (private or public ~) “Finally, Management will implement my ideas“ “The project is gaining momentum into a positive direction“ “Implementation is nearly finished“
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 7 adapted from: Claes Jansen the contentment roomthe renewal room the denial room the confusion room * I * I III. The Change House - there is no „end point“ of change direction is anti-clockwise => otherwise you are stuck!
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 8 III. The Change House - with additional rooms... The Compla- cency Lounge the contentment roomthe renewal room the denial room the confusion room * I * I Wrong Direction Door The Dungeon of Denial Paralysis Pit adapted from: Claes Jansen
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 9 Based on the # 1 Bestselling Business Book IV. THE CHEESE- EXPERIENCE
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 10 Featuring “Hem” & “Haw” and “Sniff” & “Scurry” Characters Who Represent The People We All Work With and Live With Everyday — Including Ourselves — Including Ourselves
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 11 SNIFF? Who can smell change in the air SCURRY? Who goes into action immediately
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 12 HEM? Who does not want to change. “It’s Not Fair!” HAW? Who is startled by change, but then laughs at himself, laughs at himself, changes and moves on to enjoy New Cheese
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 13
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 14 The Sniff, Scurry, Hem & Haw Parts of Ourselves We may have a little bit of each of these characters in us—which we can use to help us deal with change.
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 15 Change Happens They Keep Moving the Cheese Anticipate Change Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 16 Adapt To Change Quickly The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese (Try to) Enjoy Change! Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese! Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy It, Again! They Keep Moving The Cheese
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 17 C.First discuss with your neighbour (~ 10 minutes) then within the group (~15 minutes): Which similarities did YOU detect between the characters or phases dealing with change and your personal reflection about your change patterns? 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance Testing 3. Hopeful Realism 4. Justified Optimism 5. Completion 1. Blinded Optimism 2. Informed Pessimism Danger of resignation contentmentrenewal denialconfusion *I* I Where do you - stay longer? - move faster ?
©2006 by jochen kilgus, managing flow 18 D. Sharing in the Plenary (preparation) As a Group: Please prepare a Flipchart-Poster representing the personal insights of your group about dealing with change.