2011 ACR AMCLC Briefing for HRS 20 June 2011
88 th Annual AMCLC May 14-18, 2011 HRS Representation: President: Peter Takeyama, MD Councilors: Andrew Kayes, MD Kevin Nakamura, MD
Meeting Highlights Saturday: Chapter Leaders’ Workshop Sunday: New Councilor Breakfast Caucuses Western States Discussed pertinent resolutions with primary focus on controversial anti-self-dealing resolution proposed by the California Radiological Society.
Meeting Highlights Sunday (continued) Convening of ACR Council Speaker’s report Presidential Address by James Thrall Candidate presentations
Meeting Highlights Monday (continued) Moreton Lecture Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D., Senior Fellow Project Hope "Health Care Reform and Accountable Care Organizations"
Meeting Highlights Monday (continued) Reference Committee Open Sessions
Meeting Highlights Monday (continued) Capitol Hill Day Preparation Keynote by Senator Richard Burr [R-NC]
Meeting Highlights Tuesday Special session: Economics “Who moved my cheese” - Bibb Allen Jr., M.D., FACR, chair of the ACR’s Economics Commission
Meeting Highlights Tuesday (continued) Reference Committee reports
Meeting Highlights Wednesday: Capitol Hill Day Critical Talking Point: MEDPAC’s push for the MPPR, and the ACR’s opposition of this proposed legislation
Meeting Highlights Wednesday: Capitol Hill Day HRS met with aides from: SEN Inouye’s office SEN Akaka’s office REP Hanabusa’s office REP Hirono’s office
Lessons Learned Representation at the AMCLC is definitely important, as is visibility Face time with Kimberly Applegate, ACR Speaker, who thanked us for reviving the HRS and encouraged our continued participation
Lessons Learned Knowledge and experience of congressional staffers varies significantly Some aides are college students, who have very basic understanding of health care policy, others are highly experienced and have advanced degrees, or specialized in handling health care issues SEN Inouye’s aide is typically a military nurse fellow
Lessons Learned If you attend a caucus meeting, expect to get charged for breakfast Either eat, or don’t eat (apparently a cup of coffee = breakfast at the Western States Caucus)
Lessons Learned We need to encourage active participation by the RFS, and seek financial aid for resident travelers Opportunities for poster presentations Learn about health care policy See how involved other RFS chapters are in the business of the ACR and ACRA
Conclusion Outcome of Capitol Hill Day pending Good feedback from aides, but still awaiting signatures on the “Dear Colleague” letter circulating the Hill
Mahalo! The 2011 HRS Delegation thanks the society for its support.