Chapter 17: The Civil War Vocabulary
Battle of Bull Run battle won by the Confederates and Stonewall Jackson
conscription drafting of civilians to serve in the army
Copperhead northern Democrat who wanted to make peace with the Confederacy during the Civil War
Robert E. Lee Confederate general who defended Richmond from attack
Stonewall Jackson Confederate general who got his nickname from standing as strong as a stone wall in battle
Fort Pillow site where 200 African American war prisoners were killed
Ulysses S. Grant Union general who after heavy Union and Confederate losses captured victory at Shiloh
David G. Farragut commander of the Union navy who captured the port of New Orleans
George McClennan first Union general appointed by Lincoln to lead Union troops
Merrimack Confederate ironclad ship
Monitor Union ironclad ship
Fort Sumter Union fort in Charleston, South Carolina that was seized by the Confederate troops and became the beginning of the Civil War
Antietam bloodiest battle of the war in Maryland. Union troops forced Lee to retreat but did not chase them. Lincoln fired McClellan soon after
Anaconda Plan three-part plan Union plan to win the Civil War which was 1) blockade southern ports so they couldn't get supplies 2) split the Confederacy in two near the Mississippi River 3) capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia
habeas corpus court order that says people in jail need to appear in court and told why they are in jail
Emancipation Proclamation order issued by Lincoln freeing slaves in the Confederacy
income tax tax that takes a percentage of an individual's income used to pay for the war
Andersenville Confederate war camp that was overcrowded
Clara Barton Union nurse who started the Red Cross