Higher Apprenticeship in Innovation and Growth 19 th October 2012 Helen Beardmore
© Peter Jones Foundation 2011 What the apprenticeship covers Aimed at learners who can contribute to innovation and growth within an organisation – any size, any sector Equips potential and current employees with the knowledge and skills to help businesses address challenges and take advantage of innovation and growth opportunities Potential job roles include business development, marketing, product development; or working across the organisation in a small business The type of learner is important: the right mindset and attitude The only non-occupational framework being developed
© Peter Jones Foundation 2011 What the apprenticeship covers Context-driven, practical, project-focused apprenticeship developing learners skills in innovation and growth Integrated qualification, 120 credits, Level 5 Core units include e.g. Innovation and Growth in Organisations, The Innovative Mindset; application is through a major project on developing and implementing an innovative idea Units are designed so that the learner can make a real difference to the organisation Optional units cater for different needs, e.g. Background to Business (L4), Strategic Planning and Management (L6)
© Peter Jones Foundation 2011 Benefits of the framework Employers Provides employers of all sizes in the private, public and third sectors with a workforce that has the skills required to contribute to innovation, business development and growth Innovation and Growth apprentices will be able to enhance the productivity, profitability and competitiveness of the business in which they are working Enables employers to grow the next generation of innovative managers and leaders Apprentices Offers a new, faster route into a business and enterprising career Develop enterprising skills so they can add value to competitiveness of the business Develop mindset and skills to make things happen
© Peter Jones Foundation 2011 Who is it aimed at? New apprentices aged Existing employees 25+ age group: those identified as ready to make a wider contribution to the organisation Learners who have: potential an enterprising mindset
© Peter Jones Foundation 2011 Entry requirements/Progression routes No mandatory entry requirements Research undertaken indicates employers are looking for apprentices with an enterprising personality, enthusiasm, passion, a can-do attitude; plus business awareness, numeracy, literacy and communication skills Likely progression routes include achievement of L3 Advanced Apprenticeships or other L3 qualifications, either sector-specific or in enterprise; or GCSEs and/or A levels Alignment with professional qualifications and bodies None, as there are no professional qualifications in innovation and growth
Length of programme Delivery methods Expected minimum of 18 months Flexible approach is being encouraged and will depend on prior learning and/or experience of the learner Recognition that one size does not fit all with regards to the delivery model: it will depend on the context Bespoke and flexible approaches to delivery are being explored as the apprenticeship is applicable to such a diverse range of sectors and job roles
Cost to employer Who are the providers? Still evolving as it is an entirely new qualification and framework. The Framework has been issued and can be viewed at; Funding for framework will follow approval: expectation is early- mid November Roll-out will be via the PJEA network of commissioned colleges: 36 in total and other providers. Major employers: ongoing discussions
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