Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley Partnership & Consortium for Learning & Development Jo Meagher Head of HR Strategy & Jean-Marie Rhoden Contract & Partnership Manager
Why Partnership/Consortium Created? Public sector and local government challenges, Based on existing relationship with Greenwich, Bexleys shared values and innovative thinking Tender process did not generate a preferred supplier Research other options – ESPO framework agreement with neutral vendor provider WDR
What was the vision? Single Managed Learning Provider Partnership work - finding joint solutions to common problems Innovative approach to meeting development needs Improved performance and increased VFM
The journey Originally 4 partners – Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley and Lambeth OJEU process Market unable/unwilling to deliver requirements Reviewed requirements Workable, affordable model WDR provided the solution
Who are WDR? ESPO Framework Neutral vendor provider of learning services No set up costs Web based LMS included Gain share model on discounted trainer rates Responsible for provision of management information, monitoring and quality assurance
Where are we now? Partnership arrangement between Lewisham and Greenwich for L&D with WDR. Bexley separate agreement with WDR Consortium arrangement between Lewisham, Greenwich and Bexley for collaborative working to develop innovative organisational development learning solutions
The Lewisham, Greenwich Partnership Scope of training – Corporate generic learning interventions e.g. IT, H&S, Personal Development, Management Development Social Care – Generic training needs for Adults and Children. Phased approach into contract w.e.f from April 2012
The Lewisham, Greenwich Partnership Joint learning intervention programmes commissioned through WDR LNA, key priorities, business drivers, budget, timeframe for delivery of intervention. Six month schedule produced Contract Manager – Manage contract with WDR (Service Level Agreement), relationship management with partner
The Lewisham, Greenwich Partnership Costs Partnership costs -contract management £41,800 -cost split 50/50 over 12mths £20,900 each borough Training Providers costs -partnership agreed max daily rate -sliding scale of trainer fee/delegate daily fee average cost £75 per delegate
The Lewisham, Greenwich Partnership WDR invoice boroughs separately based on usage Each borough billed for number of delegates attend e.g. course for 10 delegates 6x LBL 4x Greenwich Boroughs billed for any non employees they authorise attendance Regular evaluation of R.O.I.
The Lewisham, Greenwich Partnership Advertising courses – WDR and Boroughs Venues – only LA venues to be used, no xfer costs of venues between partners Adhoc training requests and short notice – process tba with WDR, approx timeframe 2-3wks dependent upon complexity Access of places to other Local Authorities - under ESPO framework agreement only LA who have signed the access agreement - cost = daily delegate fee, plus £10 partnership admin
Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley Consortium Bexley different requirements and smaller delegate numbers Separate SLA with WDR, access agreement Remain part of the WDR contract Project Board Collaborative work with partners on joint bespoke learning solutions, future learning trends
Potential benefits of consortium Optimise capacity on courses Just in time training More events and greater variety of learning solutions e.g. Blended Reduced development costs for bespoke training Sharing challenges through partnership working
The future Potential for greater collaboration and more partners Sharing future challenges Pro-active approach to Continue to drive down cost and increase quality Intelligent customer