Group Riding Instructions BEFORE YOU ARRIVE AT START POINT Pre-ride; check your bike – lights, tires, oil, etc. Wear or take proper clothing – rain suit, jacket, leathers, gloves, eye protection, and helmets if required. Fuel – always arrive with a full tank of gas. Fuel stops are planned 70-100 miles apart depending on tank size – usually determined at start of ride. ONCE YOU ARRIVE AT START POINT Sign in with the leader, Road Captain, or Activities Director – sign waiver. Collect map and any information available to you about ride and destination. WHO IS IN CHARGE – LEADERS AND ROAD CAPTAINS Leader starts ride and rides in the left side of the lane – easier to pass and see. Road Captain and back up Road Captain ride in the back of the group. Leader sets the pace for the group and decides when to pass or change lanes. Road Captain stops to help anyone needing assistance in the group – back up Road Captain stays with group. Road Captain will communicate via Citizens Band (CB) channel 2.
Group Riding Instructions WHERE SHOULD I RIDE – LANE POSITION Ride in staggered formation Two second delay between bike directly in front of you- one second between bike diagonally in front of you. Pick object on road (sign, pole, or marker) and count off two seconds when bike in front of you passes object until you arrive at the object. If you get off pace, speed up to catch up. (do not lag behind) Front of group usually stays on pace. Back of group usually plays catch up. GOING AROUND SLOWER TRAFFIC – PASSING, LANE CHANGE Leader decides when to pass – signal, head check, then begins to pass. Bike directly behind does the same thing and begins to pass just behind the leader. Left side bike begins to pass first and right side bike follows – follow bike in front of you. Only 3 – 4 bikes should pass at any given time, the entire group should avoid attempting to pass and/or change lanes simultaneously. Never cross over in front of a bike behind you on interstates – whole small groups moves together when changing lanes.
Group Riding Instructions WHAT IF SOMEONE DROPS OUT OF GROUP Move up diagonally to empty spot – use your turn signal so riders behind you know that you are changing lane positions. Next bike follows suit until all bikes have moved diagonally to fill the empty spots. If someone drops out because of a breakdown, the last Road Captain will stop to provide assistance, the rest of the group should proceed. If an accident occurs, the last Road Captain and EMT personnel will stop to assist, the rest of the group will proceed on to a safe location as directed by the remaining Road Captains. IF THE GROUP SPLITS UP If split up, stay with your group. Keep following the bikes in front of you. If you are the last bike in a split group, you must stop at a turn and wait for the rest of the group. This will prevent others from missing a turn.
Group Riding Instructions TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STOP SIGNS Obey all traffic signals and stop signs. Bunch up side by side and go through stop signs. Watch for stopped traffic to wave you on at stop signs – be alert! HAND SIGNALS – KNOW THEM AND USE THEM WHEN WE GET THERE AND GETTING HOME Ride is officially over when you arrive at the destination. Take a map to plan your route home or retrace the route. Talk to others and see how they are going home – return home in groups where possible.
Rider Spacing
Missing Rider Spacing
Single File Spacing
Hand and Arm Signals Left Turn Right Turn Slow Down / Stop
Hand and Arm Signals Hazard Left Hazard Right Single File