Haringey Council Using HR metrics to improve people management Steve Davies Head of HR
Utilise existing data to develop a basket of HR performance measures Help to drive organisational effectiveness in people management Provide Value for Money (VFM) indicators Aims
HR Balanced Scorecard to help demonstrate Value for Money (VFM) in HR Key HR measures for each Business Unit to drive people management effectiveness Managers People Management Performance Index 3 Tools developed
1.HR Balance Scorecard – Framework Value Based Corporate Measures HR Outcomes Organisation Focussed HR Efficiency measures Workforce data Organisational fitness – Ability of organisation to deliver excellent services Organisational HR performance – effectiveness of organisation in managing people performance HR customer focus – degree to which People & OD delivers services that meet customer expectations and provide value Organisational Capacity – level of staff resourcing and capacity within the organisation
Organisational fitness Measures include: Customer satisfaction, ROI measures, Staff performance levels/ competency, Resource/ capacity measures indicating good employer Organisational HR performance Measures include: Employee satisfaction, Sickness Absence reporting, Disciplinary/ sickness actions, No. of days suspension, Appraisals conducted, Employment Tribunal claims HR customer focus Measures include: HR Customer satisfaction surveys, HR costs/ capacity, Recruitment speed, HR performance measures, Training programme success, Redeployment success Organisational Capacity Measures include: Vacancy rates, Turnover rates, Workforce profile (ethnicity, disability, age, etc.), Agency staff Examples of HR measures in the Balanced Scorecard
HR Balanced Scorecard
A group of key people management measures for each Business Unit [30 within the Council] Business Unit breakdown gives indication of poor performance relative to others Discussed with Directors on same agenda as Financial issues 2. Key HR measures to drive People Management effectiveness
Measures include Agency staff usage Sickness Turnover Disciplinary Suspensions Disciplinary, Capability, Grievance cases Employee training Key HR measures within Business Units
A number of key people management measures Pulled together into an index to indicate relative management effectiveness League table of Managers – bottom performers focussed on more – supportively to begin with 3. Managers People Management Performance Index
Measures include Black & Minority Ethnic employees Disabled employees Sickness Turnover Disciplinary Suspensions Capability and Grievance cases Employee appraisals and training People Management measures
Utilises existing measures to help drive organisational effectiveness in managing staff Demonstrates the value of HR HR issues now considered on a par with Finance/ budget matters Outcomes
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