Media Advertisements Melanie Phillips
Text: The text in the ads is saying “ever tried skydiving through a rain cloud” its saying that this gum is so refreshing its like going through the rain. By having just the pack of gum, the words, and cool background its simple so the joke they are saying really is the focus. Having such an extreme event that is very unlikely that someone has skydived through a rain cloud it lets the imagination of the audience think about it themselves. Production: The owner of this ad is a gum company name 5 gum. They are owned by Wrigley. This ad is a magazine advertisement and it can be put into any genre magazine from a teen, to cooking. The Wrigley company would be the ones to profit from gum sales. Audience: The audience of this ad is anyone who would chew gum. When you see this ad you know what type of gum it is because of the big 5 on the packaging, which you would also see at the store. The reason I read the ad was because of the colour used in the background to draw your eyes. Honestly I really like this ad and im not sure what I would change about it.
Text: The text in this ad is saying ‘ A cheaper way of looking smoking hot.. Quit!’ They also included contact information about stop smoking aid. This ad is saying that smoking is horrible for you and should quit. People say that smoking will make them slimmer, but quitting smoking will make someone look better and healthier. Production: This ad is made by the company TUPP (tobacco use prevention program.) This ad could be put into any magazine that is read by people of age to smoke. This ad doesnt sell anything, it markets a company that gives free help for quitting tobacco. Audience: The audience this ad is marketed towards is people who smoke and people who could start smoking. The image shows what smoking could do to just your appearance, and would turn someone away from smoking. It also shows smokers that their is a source to help you stop hurting your body. The ad would draw someones attention because you see a women who is attractive, but then you see the picture and realise that half of her face isn’t as attractive as the other because of smoking.
Text: The only text on this ad is saying ‘Without Text: The only text on this ad is saying ‘Without?’ Saying that without Heinz Ketchup your fries will taste like cardboard. Only having this text is effective because it makes it clear what they are trying to say without a lot of words to distract from the message. Production: This ad is make by Heinz, any money made by the ad would go to them. The actual idea of this ad is creative because its very simple. Even though it isnt explained to you, it is obvious what the ad is saying, that Heinz Ketchup will make your food better. Audience: This ad could be placed in any type of magazine but most likely something involving food. This ad makes people wan to get that product because they are saying it will improve what ever you eat it with. You are drawn to this ad because of how simple it is, omly having their product have any colour that stands out. Then just having a blank backgroud really maek sure you eyes are drawn to the product.
Text: The text in this ad says ‘We wish you a scary Halloween Text: The text in this ad says ‘We wish you a scary Halloween.’ This Pepsi dissing Coca Cola saying that Pepsi is better then Coke and that Coke is something ‘scary’ to have in comparison to Pepsi. The Pepsi can is dressed up as Coca Cola for Halloween as uf Coca Cola is a scary disguise. Production: The producer of this ad is Pepsi and they would get any money generated from the ad. They made an ad that could be put into any magazine because lots of people drink soda. It could go in any magazine from a teen magazine to a Canadian living magazine. Audience: This ad would be marketed towads any age because a lot of people drink soda. This would attract Coca Cola drinker or Pepsi drinkers, but they would be more inticted to get Pepsi over Coca Cola. This ad draws your attention because they have a dark background then the Pepsi and Coka cans stand out. They have a dark background also to show that it is like a halloween evening.
Text: This ad has the product name ‘Sisley’ and the words fashion junkie underneath it. The text used in this ad is saying that Sisley clothing are like drug and if you wear their clothes its like you are a fashion junkie. They are saying these clothes are as addictive as drugs. Production: This ad is made by the Sisley clothing company. This ad would be placed in a clothing or fashion magazine. While it is a risky ad, you are still interested in it and most likey interested in the clothing. The Sisley company would recieve the any profits from the ad. Audience: This ad is marketed towards people who wear and can afford more highend, expensive clothing. I find this ad very risky and could be offensive but it isnt really directed towards me, other people may find this type of advertising more appealing than I do and would want to buy the product.