London borough of Camden Supporting local businesses with apprenticeships
Our vision: To increase the number of Camden year olds in apprenticeships. THE GAP: Making sure that we provide business friendly, efficient and effective recruitment processes and suitable candidates so that the apprenticeship scheme is a success for our resident and business community. Businesses vision: To run their businesses as effectively and responsibly as possible whilst maximising profit.
Employer Engagement Business newsletter or portal £ Promoting via NAS ££ S106 agreements ££ Contractual obligations ££ Attending networking events £ Letter from your Leader/Cabinet Member £ Speaking at networking events ££ Liaising with established business networks or boards ££ Working with local established training providers/network ££ 100 in 100 days campaign £££ Maximising relationships with other Council services £
A day in the life of a workplace coordinator Visit a school or referral agency Check in with current Apprentices/ training providers Offer IAG or signpost to IAG support Deliver workshop – CV, interview skills Design selection day for employer Give detailed candidate feedback Run assessments Answer candidate queries
Still lots to do. Supply of candidates -Earlier intervention -Apprenticeship clubs -Working with education colleagues -Joint marketing -Social media Demand from business -Joint marketing -More flexible with job roles -Encourage more businesses to pay NMW or LLW
What works for us. Case study Highpoint Media Small business Growing Graduate entry not right for them Case study Care Growing sector High turnover Vocation Case study Construction Local firm Approached us Case study Parking Services Temp spend Realistic expectations Case study National childcare company Approached Hawk Training Case study Construction S106 agreement Mix of frameworks
What works for us. Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre –Non apprenticeship jobs: 128 local people into work in 2011/12 so far –Apprenticeship starts: 75 in 2011/12 so far against a target of 110 for the year. Camden Apprenticeships –Starts: 56 in 2010/11 60 in 2011/12 so far against target of 65 for the year. –Retention: 77%