Brigid Burke Technical Services & Digital Projects Librarian Fairleigh Dickinson University
300,000 Books 500 Maps Special collections: ◦ 5,000 items in Madison Archives (not including Sammartino Archives) ◦ 7,000 items in Hackensack Archives
No organized digital projects Canon scanner and Photoshop No server for digital projects No budget for digital projects No staff (except for me)
Money, money, money Who is interested in our collections? In house or outsource? Where are we going to put it?
Small projects can be done in house: ◦ 100 pages of text, 100 images, or less ◦ Text, photo, or audio sources ◦ Size of text/photos cannot be greater than 8 ½” x 11” Larger projects require grant funding
Talk to University Advancement office—deal with privately funded grants, alumni donations. Talk to Alumni Association, Friends of the Library, other interested groups. Find out what archival materials are being requested from Reference and Archives staff. Think about the history of your library, your materials, your university or town.
Keep it small, focused, and measurable Read the grant guidelines carefully Look at samples of grants from previous recipients Basic parts of a grant: – State your objective clearly – State why it’s important – Provide a reasonable budget – Provide a mechanism for determining if you’ve met your objective
The FDU Library opted to purchase Content dm software, licensing, and hosting from OCLC. Other options: In-house only database Your university (or library or municipality)’s web server Purchase web server space Cloud computing services
A scanner A program for editing scanned images Software for converting podcasts or other sound files to MP3s PDF creator and editor Computer storage space
Start with small projects Simple metadata (DC is easiest and most flexible) Finish one project before starting another Test project? Look to current digitization articles and best practices sites for guidance
Picasa3 (Photos) : Picnik (Photos) : Audacity (Sound Files) : Switch Sound File Converter (Sound Files) : CT Developing (PDF creation/editing) : products/pdftypewriter_info.asp products/pdftypewriter_info.asp
Dspace, Greenstone, ePrints (Repository software) : WordPress (interface and hosting options)
Penn State : estpractices.html#internet estpractices.html#internet Washington State Library: ectmgmt/index.htm ectmgmt/index.htm
LYRASIS Mass Digitization Collaborative (ends January 2011) Services/Digital-Services/Mass-Digitization- Collaborative.aspx Services/Digital-Services/Mass-Digitization- Collaborative.aspx NJ Digital Highway DASH (eBrary)