Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data R. Duerr, Kent Yang, Azhar Sikander.


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Presentation transcript:

Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data R. Duerr, Kent Yang, Azhar Sikander

Outline What is an Archival Information Package?  HDF-AIP Standards? What Standards?  METS  DIF/FGDC/ISO  PREMIS Results Next Steps Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

OAIS Reference Model 1 1 Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), CCSDS B-1, Blue Book, January Archive Information Package

Archival Information Package Contents Content Information  The data object to be preserved  Information that describes the data object o Typically interpreted as the syntax and semantics of the file structure Preservation Description Information  Provenance – Origin or source of the data, any changes that have taken place since, and who has had custody of it  Fixity – the authentication mechanisms (with keys) needed to ensure that the data object has not been altered in an undocumented manner  Reference – identification mechanisms and values  Context – relation of the object to its environment Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

HDF-Archive Information Packages The HDF group was funded to investigate and propose a design for a complete archival information package for HDF data files The result was a METS metadata file to accompany the HDF data file Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Metadata Standards - METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard An initiative of the Digital Library Federation Provides the means to convey the metadata necessary for  management of digital objects within a repository  exchange of objects between repositories (or between repositories and their users) Designed to facilitate  shared development of information management tools/services  interoperable exchange of digital materials Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

METS - A very brief overview Describes the METS document itself e.g., creator or editor Describes the object using some external standard e.g., MARC, FGDC, Dublin Core Describes object creation, storage, intellectual property rights, source info, provenance, etc. e.g., PREMIS Provides an inventory of all of the files that are part of the object described A physical or logical map of the organization of the materials described Allows specification of hyperlinks between parts of the map (mostly useful when preserving websites) Used to associate executable code with parts of the content Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Metadata Standards - Descriptive Metadata Discovery, Assess and Access Metadata  GCMD DIF  FGDC CSDGM  ISO Derived from

Metadata Standards - ISO 19115:2003 The international equivalent of the FGDC standard Most fields can be mapped or generated from FGDC metadata The exception is the Dataset Topic Keywords Allows for national profiles Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Metadata Standards - ISO 19115:2003 Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Is there a metadata standard for AIP information? 1 Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), CCSDS B-1, Blue Book, January Archive Information Package

Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) Provide a core preservation metadata set with broad applicability across the digital preservation community Developed by an OCLC and RLG sponsored international working group  Representatives from libraries, museums, archives, government, and the private sector. Maintained by the Library of Congress Based on the OAIS reference model Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Rights Events Agents “a coherent set of content that is reasonably described as a unit” For example, a web site, data set or collection of data sets “a coherent set of content that is reasonably described as a unit” For example, a web site, data set or collection of data sets “a discrete unit of information in digital form” For example, a data file “a discrete unit of information in digital form” For example, a data file “assertions of one or more rights or permissions pertaining to an object or an agent” e.g., copywrite notice, legal statute, deposit agreement “assertions of one or more rights or permissions pertaining to an object or an agent” e.g., copywrite notice, legal statute, deposit agreement “an action that involves at least one object or agent known to the preservation repository” e.g., created, archived, migrated “an action that involves at least one object or agent known to the preservation repository” e.g., created, archived, migrated “a person, organization, or software program associated with preservation events in the life of an object” e.g., Dr. Spock donated it PREMIS - Entity-Relationship Diagram Intellectual Entities Objects Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Is there a metadata standard for AIP information? 1 Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), CCSDS B-1, Blue Book, January PREMIS ISO 19115

NOAA Data Stewardship Prototype NSIDC and THG demonstrated the feasibility of migrating NASA data to a standard HDF-AIP format Motivation: Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII Technologies change regularly, organizations come and go, but data must survive But preserving data takes more than just preserving the bits, all the components of an AIP are critical

Project Goals Prototype development of Archive Information Packages for HDF data:  For entire data sets  For individual “granules” Test usability of digital library standards with geospatial data Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

NetCDF4 / HDF5 Data METS NSIDC/ ECS HDF4-data ISO H4to H5 ECS to METS (Data Set) CDM/NetCDF4 ECS to METS (Granule) NSIDC/ECS Metadata HDF5-AIP NetCDF4/HDF5-data NetCDF4 / HDF5 Data NSIDC/ ECS HDF4-data H4to H5 NetCDF4/HDF5-data Program Plan (Modified) Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Data file HDF5 METS Primary Schema Extension Schema | | | |-- | |-- PREMIS | |-- | HDF5 AIP Components Metadata file HDF5 Granule Level Archive Information Packages Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

File Level AIP Activity Status Developed a map from NSIDC/ECS metadata to METS/PREMIS/ISO components Prototype software completed Issues  What goes in PREMIS vs ISO 19115?  Auxillary file handling - own AIP or not? o E.g., browse files, processing history, PGE’s  Granules vs files Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Issues and Questions Inconsistent use of terminology between standards – for example, what is a data set? Many of the standards care about distribution formats  Are these even relevant concepts any more?  Do you really want to have to update the metadata record just because a new distribution format was added?  What about new access services? Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Next Steps NSIDC is updating our non-ECS data systems handling of metadata including support for PREMIS, etc. metadata on all holdings Work underway to upgrade granule level metadata for NSIDC flagship sea ice products (PREMIS/METS/ISO AIP packages) Work to improve archivability of data stored in HDF formats on-going – NASA implementing a standard XML description of contents across its archives Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII

Acknowledgement This work was supported under NOAA Scientific Stewardship Program grant number NA07OAR Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA. Archival Information Packages for NASA HDF-EOS Data, presented 11/4/09 by R. Duerr HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XIII