Tiffany Tolsma
This was created by desigg. com This was created by This is a website for artist to display their new designs for companies, is this case it is an advertisement.
What is the purpose? The purpose of this ad is to inform drivers of the dangers that occur when driving too fast. This ad is also to persuade people to drive more cautiously and to follow the speed limit.
Who is the intended audience? The intended audience are those who have a drivers license or permit, Especially those who drive in town. The ad is also intended for anyone who rides in a vehicle, because you have the right to tell a driver to slow down.
Ethical Appeal The ethical appeal of this ad is the company’s logo in the corner of the advertisement. This establishes their credibility to create informative advertisements.
Logical Appeal The logical appeal of this ad is the “accidents don’t just happen to cars” This helps the audience realize that people are also injured in accidents not just vehicles.
Emotional Appeal The emotional appeal of the ad is that the young girl is hurt so this appeals to the sense of sadness and sympathy. The child also has tears in her eyes which help create a sad look.
What is lost when the child is taken from the image? There is a larger presence of ambiguity without the girl. This shows that everyone can be hurt in accidents instead of focusing on children.
What is lost when the text is taken from the image? This makes the ad about wrecks in general instead of speeding. You can still see that the girl was in a wreck although you now do not know the cause.
What is missing from the image? The girl’s parents are absent from the photo, this helps the audience feel more sympathy for the girl and makes you want to comfort her. This could also mean the parents died in an accident.
What is missing from the image? The car that the accident happened in is missing. This helps the audience focus on the people hurt in an accident making it relatable and personal.
Citation Othman, Ahmed. Advertisement. Creative Advertisements. Desigg, 2010. Web. 8 Oct. 2009.