Towards Renewal of the Scientific Ocean Drilling Program Susan E. Humphris Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Consortium of Ocean Leadership Annual Board & Members Meeting 11 March 2010
Timelines: Preparing for the New Drilling Program Activities IWG+ Position Papers Completion of Documents for Presentation to NSB National Science Board Presentations End of Current Program (IODP) Models for program architecture 1st draft Final draft Scientific Advisory Structure 1st draft Final draft Funding X Science Community Planning INVEST Meeting X New Science Plan Outline/Draft X Internal/External Review, New Science Plan X Completion of New Science Plan X Science Implementation Plan X Science Plan Funding INVEST Meeting Program Architecture Models 1st Draft Final Draft Science Advisory Structure Completed Science Plan New Science Plan Draft Internal/External Review
Steering Committee Co-Chairs Christina Ravelo Wolfgang Bach Jan Behrmann Gilbert Camoin Bob Duncan Katrina Edwards Sean Gulick Fumio Inagaki Heiko Pälike Ryuji Tada
INVEST: Total Attendance (583) Australia7 Belgium3 Brazil1 Canada6 China25 Chinese Taipei0 Denmark6 France44 Germany109 India0 Italy4 Japan109 Korea, Rep. of12 Netherlands6 New Zealand1 Norway10 Portugal3 Russian Federation1 Spain7 Sweden3 Switzerland7 United Kingdom53 United States TOTAL583 (Students)64 cf. CONCORD (1997): 156 COMPLEX (1999): 401
INVEST: Conference Themes 1.Co-evolution of Life and Planet 2.Earth’s Interior, Crust and Surface Interactions 3.Climate Change – Records of the Past, Lessons for the Future 4.Earth System Dynamics, Reservoirs and Fluxes 5.Earth-Human-Earth Interactions 6.Science Implementation
INVEST: White Papers (122) Breakdown by Conference Themes Co-evolution of Life & Planet 2. Earth’s Interior, Crust & Surface Interactions 3. Climate Change – Records of the Past, Lessons for the Future 4. Earth System Dynamics, Reservoirs & Fluxes 5. Earth- Human-Earth Interactions 6. Science Implementation 1-6. All Conference Themes
Science Plan Writing Committee Members 1Arculus, RichardAustraliaArc magmatism, global geochemical cycle 2Barrett, PeterNew Zealand Sedimentology, arctic paleoenvironments, societal impacts, IPCC linkages 3Bickle, Mike, ChairUK Petrology, geophysics, geodynamics and tectonics, climate change 4Camoin, GilbertFranceSea-level reconstruction, carbonate sedimentology 5DeConto, RobUSAClimate modeling, ice sheet modeling, Antarctic climate history 6Edwards, KatrinaUSAMicrobiology 7Fisher, AndyUSAMarine hydrogeology; borehole observatories; fluid flow modeling 8Inagaki, FumioJapanGeomicrobiology, biogeochemistry 9Kodaira, ShuichiJapanStructural seismology, crustal evolution, geophysics 10Ohkouchi, NaohikoJapanOrganic geochemistry/biogeochemistry 11 P ä like, Heiko UKCenozoic climate change, stable isotopes, time scales 12Ravelo, ChristinaUSANeogene climate change, isotope geochemistry 13Saffer, DemianUSAMarine hydrology, subduction faults, modeling 14Teagle, DamonUKOcean crust, hydrothermal systems; global geochemical cycles Liaisons: SASEC Chair Maureen Raymo and IODP-MI VP Hans Christian Larsen Observers: Susan Humphris and Yoshi Tatsumi
New Science Plan Considerations from IWG+ to the SPWC pages, including implementation plan Aimed at broad scientific community to excite many Mix of exciting basic science and societally relevant science Should fit with strategic and national priorities of members Assume 8-12 months JR; 5 months Chikyu, 1 MSP per year Identify specific high priority riser projects for Chikyu Include borehole experiments Highlight linkages to other large programs Incorporate education and outreach throughout the Plan
Grand Challenges for the New Drilling Program (from the February meeting of the SPWC) Climate Change: Records from the Past, Lessons for the Future Deep Life: Exploration of the Marine Intra-terrestrials Renewing the Lithosphere: Consequences for our Planet Earth in Motion on Human Timescales: Plate Boundaries, Fluid Flow and Active Experimentation DRAFT!!
Proposed Versions of the new Science Plan page version for science community (for review by NSB) 5-10 page version for other science communities, Congressional Staffers, etc. 1-3 page flyer for general distribution (educators, etc.) Ellen Kappel (Geo-prose) -- will assist in production of Science Plan
Proposed Activities to Foster Community Support Step 1: Develop a 3-person support team to assist in this effort Peter deMenocal (LDEO) Katrina Edwards (USC)/ Andy Fisher (UCSC) Demian Saffer (PSU)
Proposed Activities to Foster Community Support Materials Production Develop 1-pagers on major accomplishments for each theme/discipline Develop flyer presenting overall accomplishments of scientific ocean drilling Develop presentation content on Science Plan for new drilling program Presentations Universities (USAC DLS, USAC members, recent US cruise participants) Professional societies of other fields, including Education (Team members) Workshops Workshop for post-docs and early career scientists Workshops associated with major conferences
Proposed Activities to Foster Community Support Outreach Visits to NSF for briefings Visits to Congressional staff for briefings Encourage scientists to talk to Presidents, Deans, etc. Community Updates Section on renewal in re-launched IODP Newsletter IODP topics in COL weekly e-newsletter Articles in EOS and other journals Website and/or blog
A NEW DESCRIPTIVE NAME! Effort being led by Sarah Saunders, COL