Raising The Participation Age: Implications and Approaches Diana Choulerton Raising Participation Age Lead 14 th Sept 2011 CHILDRENS & ADULTS SERVICES
Securing Full Participation Provision Suitable education and training provision that matches interests and needs and enables progression Support Effective and timely Support that enables access and engagement IAG Effective Information Advice and Guidance enable young people to make good enough choices about their post-16 progression route Communication the Implications of RPA
Question How in Ealing can we work most effectively to secure a full IAG offer for all our young people that supports the Raising of the Participation Age Current Context LA statutory duty for targeted support Current duty to provide universal IAG and CEIAG (careers information advice and guidance) to cease from April 2012 New National Careers Service Schools with new duty to provide Impartial IAG/CEIAG Information Advice and Guidance (IAG)
Approaches Supported IAG audits and action planning against national quality standards – for all providers IAG Learning network enabling sharing of good practice and school to school working IAG guarantee developed and starting to be adopted by schools Production of resources e.g. Whod be a Tutor?- An IAG Resource for Non-Specialists Production of directory of the good practice found during auditing Offering Careers Information, Advice and Guidance services to schools as traded service for 2012
Early Intervention to support engagement Questions Who is at risk of not participating? Where are they in the borough? How can we identify them? How can we support them better? –Internal school support –LA targeted support
Early Intervention to support post-16 participation and progression Approaches Development of Ealing Risk of NEET Indicator (RONI) and risk of NEET list (RON list) age 11 upwards Sharing RONI and NEETs churn data with schools and working with schools to moderate The Ealing RON list – these students to be tracked and supported Youth support resources targeted to schools and areas in proportion to need – informed by RON list Working with schools to identify effective support / develop new interventions approaches
Data Analysis Example
Provision Need for More work-based learning / routes in to apprenticeships – less A Levels but more L3 Small supportive learning environments Flexible starts Provision that enables progression –From school –To employment and Higher Education
Provision LA apprenticeships Pathways project Ealing Diploma and Enterprise Centre- hub for progression to employment Continued dialogue with providers re mix and balance of provision –More level 3, but less A Levels
For further information contact Diana Choulerton Ealing Council Childrens Services