“ Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a.


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Presentation transcript:

“ Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse…. the majority of the poem was written while Milton was blind, and was transcribed for him. The poem concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Milton's purpose, stated in Book I, is to "justify the ways of God to men” and elucidate the conflict between God's eternal foresight and {man’s, added- PCS } free will…. Milton's epic is generally considered one of the greatest literary works in the English language.” Source: Wikipedia.org

 Refers, obviously, to the “Garden of Eden” from Genesis 2:8.  This garden Paradise was created by God to meet Man’s every need:  His need for hom e, belonging, and security, v.8b  His need for food/sustenance, v.9a  His need for aesthetics/beauty, vv  His need for work, v.15  Even his need for restraint/self control, vv.9b,16-17  And of course, his need for family/companionship, vv.18-24

 But there are couple of other less obvious (and more abstract ) aspects of this Garden Paradise we also need to note:  The Human Relationship there was pure, v.25.  The Human – Divine Relationship was one of close and holy fellowship, 3:8a. ( This relationship / fellowship was so close that Adam & Eve could discern God’s presence audibly!)

 Briefly, here’s how it happened:  Man (including Adam & Eve) allowed themselves to consider something other than what God said, 3:1-5.  Man decided he knew better or more than God, 3:6  Then, “Paradise” was lost:  Their “innocence” ( purity of human relationship) was lost, v.7  Their “fellowship” ( holiness of human – Divine relationship) was lost, vv.8b-13.  Therefore, their “Paradise” was lost as they were expelled, vv.14-24!

 Many have searched and sought for Eden / Paradise, but have not and will not find it- they’re looking in the wrong way and place!  Consider Ephesians 3:8-12:  The “wisdom of God” is made known (realized) “through the church” v.10!  Through Jesus Christ and His church the “eternal purpose” of God to provide “confident access” (fellowship) to Him is provided, vv.11-12!  The Church is supposed to be the means to our “Paradise”!  While Eternal Paradise is certainly “heaven,” there are aspects that are to be enjoyed now….

 Take a look at some similarities between what we’ve seen in the Genesis “Paradise” and Acts 2:  The word of God was clear, Gen.2:16-17 > Acts 2:38-39!  Unfathomable blessings of “Paradise” followed simple obedience, Gen.2:18ff > Acts 2:  Our need of work/industry, Gen.2:15 > Acts 2:42.  Our need of beauty to appreciate, Gen.2:10-14 > Acts 2:43  Our need for family, togetherness, and companionship in pure human relationships (also called fellowship ), Gen.2:22-24 > Acts 2:44, 46b (see also 1Tim.5:1-2)  Our need for physical sustenance, Gen.2:9a > Acts 2:45, 46b.  Our need for Divine fellowship- to feel the presence and closeness of God, Gen.3:8a > Acts 2:46a,47!

 A future “Paradise” in heaven awaits the faithful of God- I’m certainly not denying or diminishing such in this lesson.  But what I am suggesting is that an Edenic Paradise is provided by our loving God for us here on earth in the present time!  The blessings Adam and Eve enjoyed in Eden are found in kind in the Church of Jesus Christ just as we’ve seen from Acts 2!  Will you now live in those blessings of “Paradise” or remain outside in the cursed world? Gen.3:17-19