PM 511 Homiletics Marvin A. McMickle, Ph.D. Week Two Biblical Exegesis For Preaching PM 511 Homiletics Marvin A. McMickle, Ph.D. Week Two Biblical Exegesis For Preaching
The first step in the preparation of a sermon is the selection and analysis of a biblical text. Biblical exegesis is the methodology employed for text analysis. The word exegesis means to draw information out from. The goal is to draw information from the text under review. The first step in the preparation of a sermon is the selection and analysis of a biblical text. Biblical exegesis is the methodology employed for text analysis. The word exegesis means to draw information out from. The goal is to draw information from the text under review.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LIMITS 1. deciding how much material will be used; a single word, a single verse, a pericope or self- contained passage, an entire chapter like I Corinthians 13 or perhaps an entire book such as Jude or Ruth or III John.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LITERATURE 2. determining the genre or type of material being considered, such as history, laws, prophecy, wisdom, gospels, epistles (general and/or prison) and apocalyptic.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LANGUAGE 3. Language: paying attention to key terms and phrase with special attention given either to Hebrew and Greek or the comparison of multiple English language versions.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LOCATION 4. Location: the physical, cultural, political and social setting in which the action in the text occurs; 6th century BC Babylon, 10th century BC Jerusalem, 1st century AD Athens, etc.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LEADS 5. considering all of the major characters in a text with an eye toward both the protagonist (hero) and the antagonist (villain); as in the Good Samaritan, the faces around the cross in Luke 23, the disciples of Jesus, etc.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LINKS 6. what other biblical passages need to be considered because they involve similar terms, characters, or because they discuss similar events?
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LESSONS 7. Lessons: what was the message that was intended for the original audience that heard this text in Ephesus or Athens or Egypt or Jerusalem or Rome.
There Are Seven Steps To Doing Biblical Exegesis For Preaching: LIFE APPLICATION 8. this is the step where exegesis ends and where hermeneutics and homiletics begin. This is how you begin to relate the biblical text in ways that are both relevant and pertinent to your contemporary audience.