Vedic Hymns From the Rig Veda
Hymn A lyric poem or song addressed to a divine being. Praising the power and wisdom of the Gods Might also be requests for help or mercy Usually intended for ceremonial or religious worship
Vedic Literature A God was assigned to almost every aspect of nature: sun, wind, fire, etc. Rig -Veda are some of the oldest Vedic hymns Compared to the Psalms of the bible
“Night” from Rig-Veda Sings the praises of the goddess of night Enlists her help in protecting the singer’s community Only hymn dedicated to the goddess of night: Ratri Sister to Dawn Depicted as bright whose eyes (the stars) drive away the darkness Not thought of as a fearful thing.
Chart answers Positive qualities of Night: encourages rest, stars (and moon) prevent total darkness, Goddess Ratri wards off wolves and thieves. Your ideas of Night: Traditional modern views of night might be fear of the dark, bad things come out at night, scary stories in some cases. Others might see night as a time to relax, be quiet, rejuvenate.
Personification 1)Night is a “goddess”, and a “daughter” 2)Night has “eyes” 3)Night can ward off or keep away wolves
Simile 1) Villagers going home are compared to birds roosting in their nests (verse 4) 2) Darkness is compared to debt (owing money- verse 7) 3) The hymn is compared to a song praising a conqueror (verse 8)
Metaphor Darkness is compared to a tide in trhe sea or ocean in verse 2