Duties of the President Commander in Chief Appoints (with consent of the Senate) Executive departments, federal court judges, top officials Ensures the law is executed properly Can lower a criminal sentence or pardon Lawmaking power State of the Union address each year
Term 4 year terms Originally the Constitution did not specify the how many terms could be served What amendment and what president?? Two 4 year terms If a vice president takes over as president no more than 2 years they can serve 2 more terms (total 10 years)
Salary Between $200,000 per year Congress raised the salary to $400,000 per year starting in 2001 Travel expense is $100,000 per year Congress cannot increase or decrease the salary during a president’s term
Retirement After retirement presidents receive a lifetime pension of $148,400 per year Free office space and free mailing services $96,000 per year for office help When a president dies the widow can receive $20,000 per year
Benefits Protected transportation Free medical, dental and health care 132-room mansion Swimming pool, blowing alley, private movie theater, tennis courts, basketball court Cooking, shopping, and cleaning 10 year of secret service protection after retirement
Qualifications Minimum of 35 years of age Natural-born citizen of the U.S. Resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years before taking office Same qualifications for vice president
Price of Campaigning In 2008 candidate endorsements $269,985,803 for the top 4 Republican $588,443,633 for the top 4 Democrat Mitt Romney spent approximately $44 million of his own money in 2008
Limitations on Money for Campaign Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 2002 Presidential candidates that accept public financing agree to limit their spending #37.3 million for the primaries $74.6 million for the general election McCain accepted public funding Obama did private financing
Presidential Succession Assignment Succession act of 1947: 25 th Amendment: Presidential succession (18)
Vice President Two main roles of the president Presides over the Senate Votes in the Senate if there is a tie Presidents may assign duties and responsibilities to the vice president How many vice presidents have become presidents??