Cryohawk artist’s concept This is a photo illustration. No Cryohawk yet exists. Half-scale Demonstrator of a CReSIS Polar Exploration UAV Concept Richard Colgren – KUAE Meeting 97, Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee
Roadmap Background ½ Scale Demonstrator Intro to CReSIS KU UAV Background Sensor Payload Requirements Mission Profile Updated Design ½ Scale Demonstrator AE 721 Student Team AE 510 Student Team PSU Team and Others Goals Current Design Challenges
For more info, go to Intro to CReSIS Science-driven technology development Focused on mapping ice-sheet characteristics Antarctica and Greenland missions in years 3 through 5 Established by NSF For more info, go to
UAV Lab Objectives: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Rotorcraft Fixed Wing Develop, test and demonstrate single and multiple Intelligent UAV concepts and systems for use in defense, scientific and commercial applications. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Rotorcraft Fixed Wing Kansas NASA EPSCoR Program Kansas NSF EPSCoR Program Autonomous Rotorcraft Project Phase I Raptor 50 Flight Test Familiarization Phase II RMAX Flight Test Data Collection Phase III RMAX Autonomous Flight Hardware Validation Phase IV RMAX Software Validated Phase V Cooperative Flight Demonstrated Raptor 50 Leader/Follower, R-Max - Edge 540 T High Alpha CFD/Test Program - Hawkeye UAV Program/SAE Competition J-3 Cub Instrumentation Project Ultra Stick R/C Airplane Obstacle Avoidance - Visual Based-Obstacle Avoidance Project - NSF CReSIS Center Phase I - Preliminary Design Developed Phase II - GNC System Designed Phase III - Flight Demonstrations
KU Fixed Wing UAVs SAE Heavy-Lift Edge 540 T Polar UAV Ultra Stick Hawkeye Ultra Stick 1/3 Scale J-3 Cub SAE Heavy-Lift Edge 540 T
KU Rotary Wing UAVs Yamaha RMAX and Raptor 50 Helicopters
KU Hypersonic Vehicle Studies Generic Hypersonic Vehicle Navy Hypersonic Vehicle Study Supersonic Flows with Injected Streams - NASA
AST-4000 Flight Simulator Specifications Aviation Simulation Technology Inc. 14802 W. 114th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66215 USA AST-4000 Flight Simulator Specifications
KU Hypersonic Vehicle Simulation Clb Versus a & Mach Number Look-up table Original Graph MATLAB Routine (FITTER) % This routine is written in order to find the best fitting equation for newA(:,3) = [0] ; newA(:,1:2) = A(:,1:2) ; [m,n]=size(A); if(n<4) % For the basic vehicle evaluation, no control surface. newA(:,4) = A(:,3) ; alpha = A(:,1) ; end A = newA ; mach = A(:,2) ; cof = size(27,10) ; t = size(mach) ; val = A(:,4) ; cs = A(:,3) ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%---1st---%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X = [ones(size(val)) (alpha) (mach) (cs) ] ; % The first prediction for the aerodynamic equation j = 1 ; con = X\val ; Cof(1:size(con),j) = con(:) ; perf(j) = sse(Err,X) ; Err = newval- val ; newval = X*con ; % The sum of squares due to error. % pause %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%---2nd---%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A value closer to 0 indicates a better fit. % This statistic measures the deviation of the responses from the fitted values of the responses. con = X\val ; X = [ones(size(val)) (alpha) (mach) (cs) (alpha).^2 (mach).^2 (cs).^2 ] ; % The 2nd prediction for the aerodynamic equation j = j+1 ; newval = X*con ; Cof(1:size(con),j) = con(:) ; Analytical Expression MATLAB Simulation FORTRAN Simulation
UAV Sensor Payload Depth-sounding radar Surface-scanning lidar Other sensors artist’s concept Ice Sheet Bedrock
UAV Sensor Payload Depth-sounding radar Surface-scanning lidar Other sensors Ice Sheet Radar Bedrock
UAV Sensor Payload Depth-sounding radar Surface-scanning lidar Other sensors Lidar Ice Sheet Radar Bedrock
UAV Requirements 175 lb payload Radar antenna array (14 ft by 2.5 ft) 6,000 km (3,200 nm) round trip 1 km (3,300 ft) AGL for survey 126 knots for survey (155 knots cruise) Jet or Diesel fuel preferred
Mission Profile (Greenland) Taxi / takeoff / climb Cruise 200 nm to glacier Conduct survey Local survey or Regional survey Return cruise to base Land / taxi
Mission 1 Profile (Antarctica) Taxi / takeoff / climb Cruise 1,350 nm Conduct survey Local survey or Regional survey Return cruise Land / taxi Specific missions trade range with survey area covered. Longer range missions require more sorties.
Redesign – Full Scale Concept Low wing Larger center wing More details Antennas, etc. artist’s concept
Full Scale Sizing Design Point
Revised Design Take-off gross weight 2,806 lbs Empty weight 1,552 lbs Fuel weight 1,064 lbs Since preliminary design review, these estimates are changing.
Regression Study of 18 UAVs Design
Engine Power Estimation Wing loading = 22 lb/ft2 Power loading = 19 lb/hp Total Power Required = 2806/19 150 hp Power Required per engine = 75 hp ½ Scale to use two 3W-75 engines Since preliminary design review, these estimates are changing.
Graduate Design-Build-Fly Team Four students: David Borys Satish Chilakala Edmond Leong Nelson Brown Advisors: Dr. Richard Colgren Jewon Lee (TA)
Collaboration Undergrad manufacturing class (AE510) Center wing Pittsburg State University Water-jet cutting Templates Kansas State University Autopilot You?
Goals Stability and control demonstrator for CReSIS Experience for KUAE Manufacturing larger aircraft Operating sizable UAVs Asset for ongoing UAV research
Schedule October 11th PDR and Scaled Design October 25th Begin Engine Testing November 3rd CDR (Full Size and Scaled) November 21st Start Construction December 1st Final Presentation December 5th Initial Flight Test Plan December 15th Final Report Submission January 20th All Scaled UAV Parts May 15th First Flight
Current Scaled Design 90 lb (empty) 18 ft span, 9 ft long Main spar 1.75” dia., 1/8” thick, 6061-T6 aluminum tube Wings Fiberglass skin Balsa & Foam ribs Fuselage Wooden structure
Building the Cryohawk
Challenges Time Money Partnerships with: Seeking support from: Undergraduate class PSU KSU Embry-Riddle Others? Money Seeking support from: University of Kansas ($2,000) CReSIS ($8,000)
Questions / Discussion artist’s concept artist’s concept