I. Warm Christians, 4:9-10 Attitudes & Actions Toward Brethren.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Warm Christians, 4:9-10 Attitudes & Actions Toward Brethren

Clan love Clan love “Household of faith” 1 Pt.1:22, purified souls by obedience – “For” / “Unto” Sincere brotherly love; fervent (4:8) 2 Pt.1:7

Ro.12:9-10 True Love (v.9) Verse 10 Tender devotion to each other Family love; loving dearly; affection

No need to write Hb.5:12 Taught by God Hear Paul: hear God; reject Paul Love One Another Affection commanded! (Ro.12:10) Reciprocal Fervent Frequent _?_

Love: condition of world’s salvation Jn.13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

How did Jesus love? Patient, Lk.9:54-55 Kind, Lk.22:51 No envy, Mk.9:38-40 Humility, Jn.13 Not rude, Jn.4:27 Not selfish, Jn.15:13 Not provoked, Mk.3 Not think evil, Mk.7 No grudges, Lk.23 Not spiteful, Lk.19 Loved truth, Mk.12 Believed best, Jn.17 Hoped best, Jn.17 Endured, Jn.12:23f Summary of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love: condition of our discipleship Jn.13:35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” – 34 “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” – 35 Without love, all will know the opposite: 1 Jn.4:20-21 Not enough to know truth, love truth, preach truth: must love one another

Indeed you do so (4:10) (1:3) Toward all Abound more and more (2 Th.1:3) Love: always room for growth. Debt we never fully pay (Ro.13:8). Jesus: infinite love; we never attain it. Love: always room for growth. Debt we never fully pay (Ro.13:8). Jesus: infinite love; we never attain it. Good dr. w/o loving patients. Good teacher…. Good mechanic…. Good Christian w/o loving brothers? Good dr. w/o loving patients. Good teacher…. Good mechanic…. Good Christian w/o loving brothers?

What does the world think…? “It is our care for the helpless, our practice of lovingkindness, that brands us in the eyes of many of our opponents.’ 'Look!’ they say, ‘How they love one another!’ Look how they are prepared to die for one another” – Tertullian

I. Warm Christians Attitudes & Actions Toward Brethren II. Working Christians, 4:11 Attitudes & Actions Toward Self II. Working Christians, 4:11 Attitudes & Actions Toward Self

Four parts: Aim: aspire; restless energy – quiet life  Opposite of busybodies (2 Th.3:11) Avoid: meddling; 2 Th.3:6-16 Activate: work w. own hands; 2 Th.3:11 Authority: we commanded. Jn.21:20-22 Non-workers had time to meddle. 1 Tim.5:13 Non-workers had time to meddle. 1 Tim.5:13 1. Command, Withdrawing, 2 Th.3: Command, Withdrawing, 2 Th.3:6-15

I. Warm Christians Attitudes & Actions Toward Brethren III. Walking Christians, 4:12 Attitudes & Actions Toward Lost II. Working Christians Attitudes & Actions Toward Self

Influence on the lost Walk properly: decently, becomingly  Opposite of disorderly, 2 Th.3:6 Toward those outside.  Col.4:5, in wisdom  Tit.2:10, adorn gospel That you lack nothing. 5:14; 2 Th.3:6… Better workers, truer friends, kinder people: our lives ‘preach the gospel’