Fairy Tales History and Background
Origins of Fairy Tales Fairy tales were originally part of a culture’s oral tradition--told from one person to another over hundreds of years. Beginning in the 1700’s these tales started to be written down. Grimm Brothers Hans Christian Anderson Charles Perrault The purpose of these tales was to teach a lesson or a moral to the listener or reader. Fairy Tales exist in cultures world-wide, and there can be several versions of the same tale.
Fairy Tale Definition A story of marvels and magic, often including stock characters. It is about the adventures of a hero or heroine who ends up living happily ever after. Fairy tales are usually written as prose narratives with stock openings (“Once Upon a Time”) and closings (“Happily Ever After”)
Fable A short story in prose or verse, which has a moral and usually contains non-humans, or animals, or inanimate things as characters. Aesop’s Fables are among the most famous fables.
Common Elements woods and forest as setting magic, charms, disguises, spells, tricks numbers, especially 3 transformations (animal human) ogres and giants persecuted heroine prince charming fairy abandoned baby suitor searching for a bride royalty and castles tests and trials animals, such as the wolf, snake, and birds
Common Themes courage accomplishing great tasks deception duty and obligation good vs. evil jealousy journey and quests obedience overcoming problems through cleverness and ingenuity persecution redemption revenge transformation weak outwitting the strong wisdom through suffering