Maximising opportunities from Crossrail across London 20 April 2010 Dianna Neal, Head of Economic Opportunity
2 London boroughs can offer … Commitment to increasing employment and skill levels in London Excellent knowledge of and reach into local communities e.g. the economically inactive Links to local job brokerage & employment providers Access to other support services …. Housing, Benefits, Volunteering, Childcare and Childrens Centres etc New education commissioning role Delivery of apprenticeships Other major regeneration and construction schemes Track record of working positively with employers e.g. through Section 106
3 Lessons learnt and other considerations Be clear about likely job volumes Breakdown of beneficiaries by borough Specialised vs less specialised roles Ownership of outputs and outcomes Are there geographical priorities? Varying capacity across London Build on whats there already Centres of excellence e.g. colleges
4 Next steps and opportunities Making this work on the ground - practical ways to link borough and local schemes to the Crossrail model London Councils – increased partnership working with JCP, co-ordination and facilitation Local lessons learnt e.g. from 5 boroughs on 2012 Supply chain opportunities