Genesis One “In the beginning (time) God (force) created (action) the heaven (space) and the earth (matter), Genesis 1:1. “God” (Elohim), 32 times. “And God said,” 9 times (v. 3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,29). “And” – every verse, except verse 1, and verse 27) begins with the conjunction “and.” Suggesting that the content of each verse is built upon a preceding statement; the events of this chapter were not separated by eons of time!
“Days” – Literal or Figurative? Nothing in the text, or contest, to suggest the days were figurative in nature. “The evening and the morning” (vs. 5,8,13,19,23,31) suggest six literal solar days. “Yom” (Hebrew for “day”) elsewhere, when preceded by a numerical adjective, always refers to a literal day. The creation order set precedent for sabbath observance, Exodus 20:8-11. Man was made “in the beginning,” Matt. 19:3-4. Plant life on 3rd day, 1:11-13; insects on 6th day, 1:24-25. If days represent eons, what do “seasons” and “years” represent?
The Formula Followed for Each Day: A Statement of Fact: “And God said,” v. 3,9,11,14,20,26. A Command: “Let there be,” or “Let,” v. 3,6,9,14,20,26. The Result: “And there was light,” v. 3. The Declaration: “And God saw that it was good,” v. 10,12,18,21,25,31. The Time Frame: “the evening and the morning were” (followed by a numerical “day), vs. 5,8,13,19,23,31.
Note the Actual Language
The Things Created on Each Day Day One – God created Space, Earth, Time, and Light, Genesis 1:1-5. (He also divided the light from the darkness). Day Two – God created the Atmosphere, 1:6-8. He made “the firmament” (expanse) which divided the waters. Day Three – God created “dry land” and plant life, Genesis 1:9-12. All plants to reproduce after their “kind,” v. 11.
The Things Created Each Day (continued) Day Four – God created the stars, the sun, and the moon, 1:14-18. These lights “for signs, and..seasons..for days and years,” “the greater light to rule the day,” and “the lesser light to rule the night,” Genesis 1:14-18. Day Five – God created Sea Creatures and Fowls of the air, Genesis 1:20-23. Day Six – God created land creatures and man, Genesis 1:24-27. Day Seven – God rested, Genesis 2:2
Lessons To Be Learned: God made provision for the perpetuation of all forms of life, v. 11,21-22,25,28. God made provision for our survival, v. 29. The World belongs to God – not man! God created us; we did not create God, v.27. God is a good God! God’s Thoughts are above our thoughts! God’s word is powerful! V. 1; Psalm 33:6,8-9; Hebrews 11:3.
Conclusion: In view of the wisdom, power, and goodness of God; in view of the fact that He created us in His “image,” it seems logical to assume that we are amenable to God, and are duty bound to serve Him! Indeed, we are! Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. God made provision so that we could be highly blessed in this life, but the really great blessings are in heaven, the home of the redeemed!