Marangelly Fuentes MS PHD’S Cohort Graduate Program in Atmospheric Sciences PhD Candidate Howard University Washington, D.C.
Background and Education Born in Naranjito, Puerto Rico Born in Naranjito, Puerto Rico B.S. degree in Theoretical Physics from B.S. degree in Theoretical Physics from University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez in May Currently I am a PhD. Candidate at Currently I am a PhD. Candidate at Howard University Program in Atmospheric Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences, Washington, DC and will graduate Sciences, Washington, DC and will graduate July July 2009.
Research Experiences Mechanical Engineering Department (UPRM), Summer 2003 Mechanical Engineering Department (UPRM), Summer 2003 – Numerical Simulation of Early Rainy Season Precipitation Over the Caribbean and Puerto Rico Following a Strong El Niño Event. Part I: Model Validation Center for Hydrology, Soil Climatology, and Remote Sensing (HSCaRS), Alabama A&M University, Summer 2004 Center for Hydrology, Soil Climatology, and Remote Sensing (HSCaRS), Alabama A&M University, Summer 2004 – Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature and Heat Flux Using Artificial Neural Network
Goddard Earth Science & Technology Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2005 Goddard Earth Science & Technology Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2005 – Evaluation of tropical cyclogenetic processes into the NASA fvGCM Goddard Earth Science & Technology Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2006 Goddard Earth Science & Technology Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Summer 2006 – Barotropic instability of the African Easterly Jet and its potential for development Research Experiences
Current Research NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Fall 2006-present NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Fall 2006-present – Understanding tropical cyclogenetic processes in Global models (NASA GEOS, NCEP GFS and ECMWF)