2 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Noble Drilling began implementing a derrick dropped object campaign within the European mobile fleet in 1998 which has since been extended to other Noble divisions (Was also introduced onto client owned fixed installations) This drive to reduce the potential of dropped objects is based on competent third party inspections and scheduled maintenance procedures being carried out, with all discrepancies found being actioned through the correct reporting channels. Maintenance schedules include annual third party surveys and weekly routines carried out by members of the rig crew. The annual third party survey consists of both a derrick inventory check and a derrick structural inspection in accordance with API specifications In order to ensure all parties maintain consistency, the derrick is divided into seven standard areas (slide 4) The complete Noble derrick inspection process is shown on page 3 of the DIM introduction and the following slide
5 EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL DEFECTS Scaffolding parts located in cross member
6 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Debris located in cross member
7 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Winch wire cutting through bracket
8 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Strip light cover held in place with tape
9 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Junction box held in place with welding rod
10 NOBLE DROPPED OBJECTS PREVENTION Objectives To reduce the potential of dropped objects from derricks by the following means; By performing initial derrick structural inspections and derrick inventories with experienced and competent third party vendors. By removing redundant equipment highlighted within the derrick inventory. By closing out all defects at the time of detection or as soon as practicable. By ensuring any outstanding defects are highlighted within the maintenance system and appropriate correct action request raised. By maintaining a ‘live’ derrick inventory through weekly and annual maintenance routines. By ensuring all relevant safety alerts, policy changes, etc. are forwarded and implemented where appropriate.