Our Plans for 2015/16 We want to make sure that people in our area are able to live long and healthy lives, both now and in the future, and our plans set out how we will do that Our Plan has been developed with help from… Partners in health & social care Patients Members of the public Public Health Leeds NHS Five Year Forward View Our 43 GP member practices NHS Planning Guidance Our staff
Our Plans for this year and the future
Overview of finances: How we will spend the money The doctors and nurses from local GP Practices, together with a team of health managers and commissioners are responsible for a total budget of £370m
“To improve the health of the whole population and reduce inequalities in our communities” Social Prescribing – the service will assess and link people with social, emotional or practical needs to a range of non- clinical services which can improve their health and wellbeing The aim of the service is to contribute to reducing health inequalities in South and East Leeds and will: Improve mental, physical and overall patient wellbeing Support those living in disadvantaged communities Enhance services, allowing people to become more proactive in managing their health Health improvement through local commissioning Reduce social isolation and loneliness Integrate health and social care services Identify where there is an unmet need and gaps in existing community services
Health improvement through local commissioning Leeds Forward: Inspiring Change – we will continue to deliver enhanced alcohol treatment sessions in the community, focusing on areas of greatest need Smoking cessation – we will consider piloting new services whilst also promoting current quit schemes that support people to stop smoking, based on the findings of our smoking insight study Promote the NHS Health-check – we will work with community groups in making sure more people between 40 – 74 take their free Health-check test Support people to stop smoking Reduce alcohol related harm Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease
Health improvement through local commissioning Other key partners that will help us to deliver our program of health improvement in 2015/16 is the third sector Third Sector Grant Scheme – working with Leeds Community Foundation, the purpose of the scheme is to support the development of projects led by local community and voluntary sector groups The aim of the project is to improve the health and wellbeing of the population in South and East Leeds working with local communities, and will: Promote healthy lifestyle choices to hard to reach groups Work with disadvantaged communities Support people with mental health needs
Achieving a balance between good physical and mental health Achieving parity of esteem between physical and mental health is a national and local priority Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) – in 2015/16 we will be part of a citywide review on how our community mental health services are provided in Leeds from next year Dementia care in Leeds – from October 2015, there will be four Memory Support Workers in South and East Leeds, working with our Neighborhood Teams and GP practices in supporting newly diagnosed patients Improve access and recovery rates of people referred to IAPT services Continue to identify as early as possible people with dementia, supporting them, their families and carers following a diagnosis Embed equality in how we think about and treat mental health needs
Quality and Innovation Medicines Optimisation – our pharmacist led-repeat prescription service will review patients’ medicines at the point of repeat prescription Acting on patient feedback – in 2015/16 we will be commissioning a tool that allows us to collect patient experience of all our commissioned servicers Evidence based practiceReduced waste Improved patient outcomes, quality of care and patient safety
Providing care closer to home We want to provide more care closer to home and in the community With an aging population, living with multiple long-term conditions, care closer to home will support people to stay healthy and live independently for longer Working with Leeds Involving People during 2015/16, we will be consulting with our patients and the public in understanding what services they would like to be able to access closer to home Providing care closer to home will mean: Seamless care; healthcare professionals will work closer together, to a single patient care plan Care and treatment will be more accessible, focused on the person as a whole Reduced need to visit A&E
Developing services for children and young people Five Year Maternity Strategy – launched on 30 June 2015, the strategy was developed based on the experiences of services in Leeds of women and their families Priorities for 2015/16 include: Personalisation Perinatal mental health support Support for women with learning disabilities Best Start Zone in South and East Leeds – provide support to families, linking them to local services that will ensure every child in South and East Leeds has the best start in life Reduced infant mortality Parents and families feel supported Leeds is a Child Friendly City
Building sustainable Urgent and Emergency care in Leeds We need to ensure that urgent and emergency care services are well prepared to be able to cope with an increase in demand during peak times of the year Planning for winter – we will work with the other two Leeds CCGs and Healthcare providers in developing robust plans for winter, ensuring high quality, safe and timely services are provided across the city First Aid Training for Parents – to support parents to increase confidence in caring for, and making the right decisions, for their children Improved access Reduction in A&E attendances Reduction in delayed transfers of care
Organisation Development and Continuous Improvement Investors in Excellence – we will work with Investors in Excellence during 2015/16 in-order to become a high achieving, excellent organisation Sharing performance information for improvement purposes Developing staff – we will deliver our Organisation Development (OD) Plan 2015/16, and continue to embed objective setting and performance reviews Working to a common vision and values Engaged, high performing and healthy workforce Innovative and evidence- based services An excellent organisation
This year we are working on: Children’s asthma nurse Cancer awareness/screening (bowel, breast, lung and prostate) Primary Care Quality Improvement Scheme
Looking forward to 2016/17 and beyond Planning is about to get underway for next year Next year we will: Implement year two of the Five Year Forward View Continue to explore and develop new models of care and new ways of working Review community mental health services in Leeds Implement learning from year two of the Leeds Institute for Quality Healthcare Continue to commission new and innovative local services that meet patient needs We will be coming to you as we start developing next years plans We still have a long way to go but we are optimistic that together we can respond to the challenges