Public Health Executive Agency Health Programme and HLY.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Health Executive Agency Health Programme and HLY

Tasks of PHEA Implement the EU Public Health Programme carry out all the operations necessary for the management of the programme, in particular those linked to the award of contracts and grants Disseminate know-how and best practices –Feed back projects results to DG SANCO policy officers –Provide logistical, scientific and technical support by organising technical meetings, preparatory studies, seminars or conferences Foster exchange and co-ordination between all players involved Contribute to improve the PH programme

PHEA and Commission (SANCO) Distinct Responsibilities … Commission (DG SANCO) Set priorities in annual Public Health work programmes Liaise with Member States Executive Agency Launch calls for proposals and tenders Manage projects Improve efficiency of management and dissemination … but close collaboration Steering committee meetings Regular « liaison meetings » Regular meetings at technical level Participation in evaluation committee

Call for Proposals 2007 Results

Overview of the proposals received, evaluated and recommended for funding by strand ( with 2006 figures)

ApplicationsselectedReserve list Priority areaN %N %N % Health Information Developing HI Systems219,8314,329,5 Operating HI system52,3240,0120,0 Developing reporting mechanisms83,7337,5112,5 Indicators on NCD146,5535,7214,3 E-health94,2222,200,0 Exchange of good practice41,9526,315,3 HIA198,8125,000,0 Cooperation between MS41,9228,600,0 Health threats Dealing with influenza pandemic2,92100,000.0 Generic preparedness62,8583,300.0 Health security31,4133,300.0 Safety of blood, tissues, cells & organs41,9125,000.0 Health determinants Addictive substances2712,6829,6311,1 Life styles5123,71631,412.0 Wider determinants177,9423,500,0 Disease & injury prevention83,7112,500,0 Capacity building2712,6116,700,0 Percentage of projects recommended for funding by priority area

Objectives Improve citizens' health security Promote health – including the reduction of health inequalities Generate and disseminate health information and knowledge In line with overall Community objectives of Prosperity, Solidarity and Security Health Programme Decision N°1350/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007

Programme Objectives: To improve citizens' health security: Developing EU and Member States capacity to respond to health threats. To promote health, including the reduction of health inequalities: Action on health determinants such as nutrition, alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption, as well as social and environmental determinants; Measures on the prevention of major diseases and reducing health inequalities across the EU; Increasing healthy life years and promoting healthy ageing. Health information and knowledge: Action on health indicators and ways of disseminating information to citizens; Focus on Community added-value action to exchange knowledge in areas such as gender issues, children health or rare diseases

Decision N°1350/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 Problem analysis (1): In terms of Disability Adjusted Life-Years (DALYs), the most important causes of the burden of disease in the WHO European Region are - non-communicable diseases (NCDs — 77 % of the total), - external causes of injury and poisoning (14 %) and -communicable diseases (9 %). Seven conditions (ischaemic heart disease, unipolar depressive disorders, cerebrovascular disease, alcohol use disorders, chronic pulmonary disease, lung cancer and road traffic injuries) account for 34 % of the DALYs in the region.

Problem analysis (2): Seven risk factors (tobacco, alcohol, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, low fruit and vegetable intake and physical inactivity) account for 60 % of DALYs. In addition, some communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, influenza, tuberculosis are also becoming a threat in Europe. An important task of the Programme, should be to identify better the main health burdens in the Community.

HLY in the PHP: Increasing Healthy Life Years (HLY) by preventing disease and promoting policies that lead to a healthier way of life is important for the well-being of EU citizens and helps to meet the challenges of the Lisbon process as regards the knowledge society and the sustainability of public finances, which are under pressure from rising health care and social security costs.

PHP and data collection: It is essential to systematically collect, process and analyse comparable data, within national constraints, for an effective monitoring of the state of health in the European Union. This would enable the Commission and the Member States to improve information to the public and formulate appropriate strategies, policies and actions to achieve a high level of human health protection. Compatibility and interoperability of the systems and networks for exchanging information and data for the development of public health should be pursued in the actions and support measures. Gender, socioeconomic status and age are important health considerations. Data collection should wherever possible build on existing work, and proposals for new collections should be costed and based on a clear need. The collection of data should be in compliance with the relevant legal provisions on the protection of personal data.

Conclusion: Developing indicators is important but not enough. Indicators have to be translated to policy decision making.

A Particular issue: The enlargement of the European Union has brought additional concerns in terms of health inequalities within the EU and this is likely to be accentuated by further enlargements. This issue should, therefore, be one of the priorities of the Programme.

Statistical evaluation of the Call for Proposals 2007 participation of the EU12 Public Health Executive Agency

Distribution of the proposals submitted and success rate per Member state

Distribution of the proposals submitted and success rate per Priority area 1.1 developing and coordinating the HIS 1.2 operating the HIS 1.3 public health reports, analysis & reporting on health issues 1.4 developing strategies for information exchange and responding to non communicable health threats (i.e. rare diseases) 1.5 e-health 1.6 environment and health information 1.7 exchange of information and experience on good practice 1.8 HIA/HTA 1.9 improve HI (network of lawyers) 2.1 capacity to deal with pandemic influenza and tackle particular health threats 2.2 generic preparedness and response 2.3 strategies for communicable disease control 2.4 safety of blood, tissues and cells, organs 3.1 addictive substances 3.2 lifestyle determinants 3.3 wider determinants of health 3.4 disease and injuries prevention 3.5 capacity building

New MS applications by Work Plan priority developing and coordinating the HIS 1.2 operating the HIS 1.3 public health reports, analysis & reporting on health issues 1.4 developing strategies for information exchange and responding to non communicable health threats (i.e. rare diseases) 1.5 e-health 1.6 environment and health information 1.7 exchange of information and experience on good practice 1.8 HIA/HTA 1.9 improve HI (network of lawyers) 2.1 capacity to deal with pandemic influenza and tackle particular health threats 2.2 generic preparedness and response 2.3 strategies for communicable disease control 2.4 safety of blood, tissues and cells, organs 3.1 addictive substances 3.2 lifestyle determinants 3.3 wider determinants of health 3.4 disease and injuries prevention 3.5 capacity building

Distribution (in %) of the submission by EU12 and EU27 across the priorities of the Call developing and coordinating the HIS 1.2 operating the HIS 1.3 public health reports, analysis & reporting on health issues 1.4 developing strategies for information exchange and responding to non communicable health threats (i.e. rare diseases) 1.5 e-health 1.6 environment and health information 1.7 exchange of information and experience on good practice 1.8 HIA/HTA 1.9 improve HI (network of lawyers) 2.1 capacity to deal with pandemic influenza and tackle particular health threats 2.2 generic preparedness and response 2.3 strategies for communicable disease control 2.4 safety of blood, tissues and cells, organs 3.1 addictive substances 3.2 lifestyle determinants 3.3 wider determinants of health 3.4 disease and injuries prevention 3.5 capacity building