Health Information in Public Libraries Alison McAllister, North Ayrshire Libraries Joan Black, South Ayrshire Libraries Julia Harvey, East Ayrshire Leisure.


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Presentation transcript:

Health Information in Public Libraries Alison McAllister, North Ayrshire Libraries Joan Black, South Ayrshire Libraries Julia Harvey, East Ayrshire Leisure

‘Gaun Yersel’ The Scottish Government’s strategy for self-management, lists five stages where support is required: Diagnosis; Living for today; Progression; Transitions and End of life. It specifically identified that it is vital that people living with long term conditions have support, and access to reliable, up-to-date information to enable them to manage their health, and their life, as well as they can.

Reading ‘good for health’ of Scots Scottish Household Survey 2011 Those who visited a museum or library were 20% more likely to report good health than those who had not.

Background Existing partnership between Libraries and NHS Ayrshire & Arran Self-Management Network –Health care partners were not aware of all that libraries offer or how library services can benefit their clients –Need to raise awareness

A flavour of our presentation  Libraries at the heart of the community  Libraries already providing: health information; community spaces; book/knitters groups; access to Internet and signposting  Already many links between libraries, NHS and other partners e.g. Macmillan, PPF, RNIB and Action on Hearing Loss  Reciprocal promotion and support of health and wellbeing projects in libraries What we can offer to support self-management  Access to health information  Sign posting to health care partners  Information services 24/7  Free access to computers and the Internet  Computer classes for beginners  Social opportunities

Scottish Government Public Library Improvement Fund Public library services that have engaged with the Public Library Quality Improvement Matrix (PLQIM) self-evaluation process in the last five years are invited to apply for funding to develop projects that support: Community Engagement Health & Wellbeing

Aims Raise awareness with community health professionals of the services that public libraries can offer their patients in the community; Increase actual visits for libraries from health professionals, local groups and individuals seeking support; Increase virtual visits to library websites and online resources, thus decreasing the cost per visit for these services; A more holistic approach to health by introducing reader development techniques to patients and their carers; Combating loneliness and isolation experienced by many with health issues who can visit a library and participate in activities and groups.

Projected Outcomes An Ayrshire and Arran-wide health information and general service ‘offer’ from the three authorities; Scoping of community health professionals using existing networks e.g. Self Management Network, Managed Clinical Network, Macmillan Cancer Information Services, Public Partnership Forum; Devise a working group of library and community health professionals; A marketing/promotion strategy to disseminate this ‘offer’; Identification and engagement of other community health professionals; A series of visits to libraries or presentations by library staff to groups of health professionals; A hard copy and electronic version of a publicity leaflet for patients.

Who is involved?  Partners invited to general project meetings  One librarian from each of the three Ayrshire authorities  Self-Management Network Co-ordinator  Health Resources  Managed Conditions Network  Macmillan  Keep Well team  Voluntary organisations such as Voluntary Action South Ayrshire, The Ayrshire Community Trust and Volunteer Centre East Ayrshire  Core project team:  One librarian from each of the three Ayrshire authorities  The Self-Management Network Co-ordinator

Promotional material A promotional brief was agreed which included a colourful credit card z-card, written in plain English, with accompanying posters, banner pens and pull- up banners for promotional events.

The project was launched at the Self-Management Network in May by the Chief Executive of NHS Ayrshire and Arran, John Burns, to around 70 delegates.

A programme of presentations has been made to around 260 NHS professionals, including: Keep Well Team Podiatry (Enablement and High Risk) Speech and Language Therapists Attendance at public/patient events including: Strictly Seniors event run by Voluntary Action South Ayrshire Diabetes Patient Conference in Ayr Community Games in North Ayrshire Tenant’s Family Fun Days in North and South Ayrshire

Phase Two A funding application for phase two of the project has been successful Purchase of “Reading Well Books on Prescription” to augment existing collections within the three library authorities. Introduction of Health Information Buddies; volunteers who will promote the service to community groups.

Awards & Accolades The project was put forward to the NHS Scotland Poster Exhibition, attended by around 1700 delegates, in June The project won its category ‘person-centred’ out of 87 posters and awarded a trophy by Alex Neil MSP for Health and Wellbeing. The project featured as part of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Scotland (CILIPS) annual conference in Dundee and around 70 delegates attended the presentation. Alison McAllister of North Ayrshire is a finalist in North Ayrshire Council’s “Lightbulb Moment” Employee Recognition Award. NHS Ayrshire & Arran was recently named Self-Management Supporting Board of the Year, one of six awards presented Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland (commonly known as the ALLIANCE), at a ceremony in the Scottish Parliament to celebrate Self-Management week.

Contacts Alison McAllister – North Ayrshire Libraries Systems and Support Officer Julia Harvey – East Ayrshire Leisure Systems and Support Officer Joan Black – South Ayrshire Libraries Lifelong Learning Librarian