T E S T S, A L L I E S A N D E N E M I E S B Y : A L O R A, A L F O N S O A N D M A R I C R U Z H E R O ’ S C Y C L E
TESTS In every story the hero faces many obstacles and learns from each of his lessons. After each test the hero becomes stronger and smarter so that he can defeat all obstacles. The obstacles includes the hero's fears and self doubts The journey makes the hero both stronger and wiser Other obstacles include their weakness, like women
ALLIES In many stories we often think that the hero does it all alone but he gets a lot of help from other, (like teachers, friends, and guiding signs) For example in the story of Hercules there is a satyr who trains him and teaches him how to defend the well being of others If it wasn’t for Philoctetes, Hercules would have died in his first adventures Another thing that falls under the category of allies is the team sometimes the hero might have someone who accompanies him and helps him At the end the hero is the one who gets all the credit
ENEMIES The enemies are always confronted at some point through out the story Usually the enemy/villain is confronted at least once before the big battle There is a small fight between the villain and the hero The hero is usually defeated but then learns from his/her mistakes and later on wins Some enemies may not start out evil Many are just afraid of change
EXAMPLES: TESTS, ALLIES AND ENEMIES Tests In Ariel, the little mermaid, Ursula offered Ariel legs in exchange for her voice. Allies In Robin Hood, Little John helps Robin Hood but never receives recognition or the hero title Enemies In The Lion King, Scar betrayed Mufasa and tried many times to lead Simba down the wrong path