London Councils: Supporting the London Health Inequalities Strategy London Child Poverty Network - 16 th March 2010 Valerie Solomon Policy and Project Manager Health and Adult Services
London Health Inequalities Strategy – Background/ Timetable The Mayor of London has a duty to publish a London Health Inequalities strategy under the GLA Act 2007 A draft strategy was issued for consultation in November 2009 deadline for responses 10 January 2010 GLA aim to publish the final strategy and Delivery Plan later this month. This will set out priority actions agreed by key partners This long-term strategy will be reviewed every four years London Councils is working closely with the GLA to agree key actions on behalf of local authorities and as London Councils.
London Health Inequalities Strategy – Summary of key objectives Empowering individuals and communities to improve health and well being Improving access to high quality health and social care services Reducing income inequality and the negative consequences of relative poverty Increasing the opportunities for people to access the potential benefits of work and other forms of meaningful activity With knowledge and learning a a cross-cutting theme
London Health Inequalities Strategy : What can it achieve? Raise awareness about health inequalities Tackle the barriers preventing change Encourages key partners to work together Will empower Londoners and their communities Supports Sir Michael Marmots Review of Health Inequalities Strategy in England Post 2010
London Health Inequalities Strategy – What factors influence health inequalities? Biological make up – BME groups more likely to be affected by particular illnesses eg. blood pressure; diabetes Lifestyle factors – diet, physical exercise, smoking alcohol and drugs Individual circumstances and opportunities - education, employment, family income Other factors can exacerbate health inequalities Poor housing; environmental surroundings; access to public services eg. leisure services Common measures of health inequality is infant mortality and life expectancy
London Health Inequalities Strategy – London Councils response Recognise to the good work that local authorities are doing already Strategy is silent on resources and targets Objectives need prioritisation Concerns that additional target requirements are not burdensome on local authorities Needs to support early intervention measures and all actions to reduce child poverty children with disabilities and needs
London Health Inequalities Strategy – implications for local authorities Proposed Cabinet Member for health Proposed key indicators fro a health/well-being index for London Opportunities to lobby for adequate funding Mayor encouraging the sharing of information between PCTs and local authorities Local Authority Scrutiny Committees required to examine how their work can support health inequalities objectives Linkages with the Marmot review findings
London Health Inequalities Strategy – Priorities to Support child poverty Support initiatives to promote early years development and young peoples emotional health, ability to engage with education and readiness for learning. Lobby for increased investment in life-long learning and life-skills training, including a focus on developing parenting skills Improve access to timely advice and support to those at risk of or in poverty, including improving take up of tax credits and benefits Reduce income inequalities and minimise the negative health consequences of relative poverty Support families to reduce the number of children in poverty in London