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Ordinary or New World (Category A) Tests, Enemies, And Allies [C] Mentors and Magical Equip- ment (D) The Reward (F) Into the Abyss (E) 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points The Call to Adventure, and The First Threshold (B)
Answer 1a The hero is most comfortable in this place, but must leave it to embark upon his journey.
Answer 2a This hero’s ordinary world is with his parents in a small country town.
Answer 3a During this hero’s return to his ordinary world, he forgot to give an important signal. The failure to remember resulted in his father taking his own life.
Answer 4a In this story, the ordinary world becomes the new world.
Answer 5a These two heroes both must choose whether or not to make the new world their home.
Answer 1b This hero’s call to adventure came from a relative visiting his home with the promise of a great life in the “metropolis.”
Answer 2b This hero crosses the first threshold when he decides to save a man’s life.
Answer 3b For this hero, crossing the first threshold involves a water vessel between his ordinary world and the new world.
Answer 4b In this story, the hero had to be strong enough to unearth his magical equipment before he could answer the call to adventure.
Answer 5b Upon crossing the first threshold, this hero is the only one of the three whose adventure is without a talisman or magical equipment.
Answer 1c This hero’s second enemy was known to “kick travelers over the cliff.”
Answer 2c This person serves as a test of maturity for the weary hero who thinks he has found someone who works for his kinsman.
Answer 3c These enemies remain in their coats and eat with gloves on (give their names).
Answer 4c This hero’s ally sits with him while he waits for what he seeks.
Answer 5c This ally “gave Theseus a golden thread…to tie at the entrance of the maze.”
Answer 1d In “The Killers,” this mentor may also be seen as an experienced hero.
Answer 2d This hero has mentors that could been seen as enemies or allies.
Answer 3d This hero’s mentor steps aside when the hero must decide if he can remain in the new world alone.
Answer 4d This piece of magical equipment was fashioned from an “oak sapling.”
Answer 5d This person serves as a mentor to Theseus.
Answer 1e This hero heads into the abyss at the sight of the person he seeks covered in tar and feathers.
Answer 2e This hero finds himself in the abyss when he discovers that his attempt to help are fruitless.
Answer 3e In this story, at the into the abyss moment, the hero “was frozen with fear” at the sight of his enemy.
Answer 4e Just before going into the abyss, this story’s hero was told to “wait an hour” by a man whose face had been painted in the colors of war.
Answer 5e ‘Into the abyss’ is characterized by the hero experiencing this in a real or metaphorical way.
Answer 1f This hero’s reward was to become a great leader.
Answer 2f This hero’s reward followed the death of his innocence; he discovered evil.
Answer 3f The hero, Robin, is rewarded with this knowledge of himself.
Answer 4f This hero decides that the new knowledge he is rewarded with is a reason to leave town.
Answer 5f During this hero’s adventure, laughter follows him right to the point where he gets his reward.
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Final Answer This enemy of Theseus is the same one that causes Theseus to fear death as he enters into the abyss.