User Acquisition: The Latest Trends, Tools, and Best Practices Clay Kellogg Chief Revenue Officer, Chartboost Inc.
Game Distribution Strategy You need one. This is where the rubber meets the road You can’t size does not fit all. 33 Dominate what you CAN control. Pray for the rest. 44 Large budgets and marketing teams ≠ success. 55 Context matters. Get ready for co-opetition.
Buy promotional space in other games. Current State of User Acquisition Cross-Promo Ad Network Direct Deal Use your user base to promote your new and old titles internally. Negotiate your own terms with a developer you know and exchange traffic. Clicks, installs, or revenue splits on future earnings.
Internal Cross Promotion Tools ➡ Leverage your assets and network to maximize revenue potential ➡ Multiple free options; look for tools that provide the best targeting and tracking ➡ Be smart about cross-promotion, limit by impressions per user, time, and sessions
Example: Get Set Games 6 Makers of the #1 free games Mega Jump and Mega Run with over 10M users When games are a great fit, performance jumps.
Example: Neon Play 7 Average CTR 35.51% IR 34.27% Average CTR 35.51% IR 34.27% Average CTR 15.74% IR 11.82% Average CTR 15.74% IR 11.82% Traffic Panic London 2 Carpark Carnage App launches in July 2012
Direct Deal Relationships
Control: User Quality and Cost Crankball
Ad Networks: Where do you start? Transparency Control
Transparency and Control
Best Practices Data is your friend – transparency is your religion Take advantage of natural lifecycles Keep asking questions, it’s your data
Made by game developers for game developers. Maria Alegre Co-founder and CEO Sean Fannan Co-founder and CTO Team of 26. Profitable from 2nd month. Leadership team from: Developed and Monetized Tapulous’ Tap Tap Revenge Franchise Acquired by Disney
The game makers you know have partnered with Chartboost.
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