Helen Bailey – Chief Operating Officer
MOPAC Mission Most Public Greatest effective, services and and safest big city on earth Most effective, efficient, loved & respected force in the UK Public services and communities tackling crime together
-20 % +20 % -20 % MOPAC Challenge to the MPS Cut 7 priority crimes Boost public confidence -20 % Reduce spend
Reform 2013 2015 26 37 Police constables 6,022 Police constables 7,160 Senior managers Supervisors Police constables supervisors Police constables Senior managers 26 37 6,022 7,160 25,909 24,630
497 buildings 900,000 sq m -30% running costs For Sale Release c300 600,000 sq m -30% running costs
Reduce Police staff reduced 13,410 to 11,846 by 2016 By 2015/16 over £100m savings on technology 5% reduction in supplies and services March 14,513 as at March 31st 2014 - 13,144 as at March 31st 2015 - 13,260 as at March 31st 2016 - 11,846
-20 % +20 % -20 % MOPAC Criminal Justice Goals Reduce court delays Increase compliance with community sentences -20 % Cut youth re-offending
Reducing youth reoffending Reducing youth reoffending by 20% for young people leaving custody by 2016 Reoffending rates stubbornly high for young people leaving custody – 71% The number of young people in custody has decreased but more must be done London requires a strategic approach: Focused resource and joined up working Building on good work (Daedalus) and investment in London (up to £3.5m invested by the Mayor for resettlement) – true partnership working is required to make this a reality 26 37 6,022 7,160 25,909 24,630
What does it mean for London? 1,200 more officers in boroughs 2,600 extra SNT Visible Accessible Accountable Intelligent Ways
fewer victims, less cost Case for change – local policing model SNTs = foundation of policing Dedicated Borough Commander Locally accountable Inspector We come to you = Less crime, 1/3 million fewer victims, less cost
Case for change – public access 12,000 fewer front counter visits 80% visits are to 71 front counters <50 crimes reported at front counters overnight 5m 999 & 101 calls last year An extra 200 victims visited each day Online reporting up an extra 200 victims every day.
A future fit for London More New forms Reconnect 20/20/20 police constables =26,000 New forms of public access 20/20/20 Crime, costs confidence Reconnect police and public
Further detail can be found at www. london. gov Further detail can be found at www.london.gov.uk/priorities/mayors-office-policing-and-crime