The fields and self-force of a constantly accelerating spherical shell by Andrew M. Steane Proceedings A Volume 470(2162): February 8, 2014 ©2014 by The Royal Society
Electric field lines in the xy-plane, in the instantaneous rest frame, for a spherical charged shell of radius R=1/2 undergoing rigid hyperbolic motion along the x-axis with proper acceleration a0=1/L0=1. Andrew M. Steane Proc. R. Soc. A 2014;470: ©2014 by The Royal Society
Electric field E (thick line) and potential ϕ (thin line) on the x-axis for a sphere of radius R=1/2 with unit charge accelerating in the x-direction with proper acceleration a0=1/L0=1. Andrew M. Steane Proc. R. Soc. A 2014;470: ©2014 by The Royal Society
(a) Self-force as a function of R, for L0=1, as calculated by numerical integration (points) and by equation (5.11) (solid line). Andrew M. Steane Proc. R. Soc. A 2014;470: ©2014 by The Royal Society