Practice session #6: 1. Sequence operations 2. Partial evaluation with currying 3. Lazy-lists
2 Motivation: The procedure signs maps a collection of numbers to their sign. 1. The sequence operations For (int i=0; i<arrayLength; i++) { if (a[i] == 0) b[i] = 0 ; else b[i] = a[i]/abs(a[i]); } For (int i=0; i<arrayLength; i++) { if (a[i] == 0) b[i] = 0 ; else b[i] = a[i]/abs(a[i]); } In C: Signature: signs(ls) Example: (signs(list ))=> '( ) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define signs (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) ls (if (= 0 (car ls)) (cons 0 (signs (cdr ls)))) (cons (/ (car ls) (abs (car ls))) (signs (cdr ls))))))) Signature: signs(ls) Example: (signs(list ))=> '( ) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define signs (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) ls (if (= 0 (car ls)) (cons 0 (signs (cdr ls)))) (cons (/ (car ls) (abs (car ls))) (signs (cdr ls))))))) In Scheme:
3 Motivation: The procedure signs maps a collection of numbers to their sign. 1. The sequence operations Signature: map(proc,items) Purpose: Apply 'proc' to all 'items'. Type: [[T1 -> T2]*List(T1) -> List(T2)] Signature: map(proc,items) Purpose: Apply 'proc' to all 'items'. Type: [[T1 -> T2]*List(T1) -> List(T2)] The sequence operation map: Signature: signs-map(ls) Example: (signs(list ))=> '( ) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define signs-map (lambda (ls) (map (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 0 (/ x abs(x)))) ls))) Signature: signs-map(ls) Example: (signs(list ))=> '( ) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define signs-map (lambda (ls) (map (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 0 (/ x abs(x)))) ls))) Implementation using sequence operations:
4 1. The sequence operations The procedure partition divides a list into two lists according to some predicate. For example: > (partition number? (list 1 2 ‘a 4 ‘b #t)) ‘((1 2 4) ‘a ‘b #t) Implement the procedure partition, using the sequence operation filter. The sequence operation filter: Signature: filter(predicate, sequence) Purpose: return a list of all elements satisfying the predicate. Type:[[T-> Boolean]*List(T) -> List(T)] Post-condition: x in result x in sequence, and (eq? #t (predicate x)) Signature: filter(predicate, sequence) Purpose: return a list of all elements satisfying the predicate. Type:[[T-> Boolean]*List(T) -> List(T)] Post-condition: x in result x in sequence, and (eq? #t (predicate x)) Additional sequence operations:
5 1. The sequence operations The procedure partition, using the sequence operation filter: Signature: partition(predicate, sequence) Type: [[T-> Boolean]*List(T) -> Pair(List(T),List(T))] Example: (partition number? (list 1 (cons 1 2) 3 4 (cons 0))) => '((1 3 4) (1. 2) (0. 3)) (partition number? (list 1 2 'a 'b 3 4 'd #t)) => '(( ) a b d #t) (define partition (lambda (pred seq) (cons (filter pred seq) (filter (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) seq)))) Signature: partition(predicate, sequence) Type: [[T-> Boolean]*List(T) -> Pair(List(T),List(T))] Example: (partition number? (list 1 (cons 1 2) 3 4 (cons 0))) => '((1 3 4) (1. 2) (0. 3)) (partition number? (list 1 2 'a 'b 3 4 'd #t)) => '(( ) a b d #t) (define partition (lambda (pred seq) (cons (filter pred seq) (filter (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) seq)))) Additional sequence operations:
6 1. The sequence operations For example: > (accumulate + 0 (list )) 15 > (accumulate expt 1 (list 4 3 2)) The sequence operation accumulate: Signature: accumulate(op,initial,sequence) Purpose: Accumulate by 'op' all sequence elements, starting (ending) with 'initial' Type: [[T1*T2 -> T2]*T2*List(T1) -> T2] Post-condition: result=(initial op (seq[n] (op...(op seq[1])))) Signature: accumulate(op,initial,sequence) Purpose: Accumulate by 'op' all sequence elements, starting (ending) with 'initial' Type: [[T1*T2 -> T2]*T2*List(T1) -> T2] Post-condition: result=(initial op (seq[n] (op...(op seq[1])))) 4^(3^(2^1)) = ≠ 4096 = ((4^3)^2)^1 Additional sequence operations:
7 1. The sequence operations > (define ls (list (list 1 2 3) (list 4 6 7) (list 8 9))) > (flatmap cdr ls) '( ) > (flatmap (lambda (x) (map sqr x)) ls) '( ) > (flatmap (lambda (lst) (filter odd? lst)) ls) '( ) Signature: flatmap(proc, seq) Type:[[T1->List(T2)] * List(T1) -> List(T2)] Purpose: 1. Applies a function on every element of the given list, resulting in a new nested list. 2. Flattens the nested list (not recursively). Signature: flatmap(proc, seq) Type:[[T1->List(T2)] * List(T1) -> List(T2)] Purpose: 1. Applies a function on every element of the given list, resulting in a new nested list. 2. Flattens the nested list (not recursively). Question 1: flatmap (define flatmap (lambda (proc seq) (accumulate append (list) (map proc seq)))) (define flatmap (lambda (proc seq) (accumulate append (list) (map proc seq))))
8 1. The sequence operations Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Question 2: flat-sum (define flat-sum (lambda (ls) (cond ((null? ls) 0) ((number? ls) ls) ((let ((car-sum (flat-sum (car ls))) (cdr-sum (flat-sum (cdr ls)))) (+ car-sum cdr-sum)))))) (define flat-sum (lambda (ls) (cond ((null? ls) 0) ((number? ls) ls) ((let ((car-sum (flat-sum (car ls))) (cdr-sum (flat-sum (cdr ls)))) (+ car-sum cdr-sum)))))) Implementation without sequence operations:
9 1. The sequence operations Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Question 2: flat-sum (define flat-sum (lambda (lst) (acc + 0 (map (lambda (x) (if (number? x) x (flat-sum x))) ls)))) (define flat-sum (lambda (lst) (acc + 0 (map (lambda (x) (if (number? x) x (flat-sum x))) ls)))) Implementation with sequence operations: Q: Could you think of a way to improve this Implementation?
10 1. The sequence operations Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Signature: flat-sum(ls) Type: [List -> Number] Precondition: ls is recursively made of lists and numbers only. Examples: (flat-sum '(1 2 3 (1 2 (1 ( ) 2 3 ( ) 4) 3 4) 4)) => 50 (flat-sum '( )) => 10 Question 2: flat-sum (define flat-sum (let ((node->number (lambda (x) (if (number? x) x (flat-sum x))))) (lambda (lst) (acc + 0 (map node->number ls))))) (define flat-sum (let ((node->number (lambda (x) (if (number? x) x (flat-sum x))))) (lambda (lst) (acc + 0 (map node->number ls))))) Implementation with sequence operations: Q: How many closures are generated now?
11 1. The sequence operations Signature: maximum(lst) Type: [List(Number)->Number] Pre-Condition: lst contains only natural numbers (define maximum (lambda (lst) (acc (lambda (a b) (if (> a b) a b)) 0 lst))) Signature: maximum(lst) Type: [List(Number)->Number] Pre-Condition: lst contains only natural numbers (define maximum (lambda (lst) (acc (lambda (a b) (if (> a b) a b)) 0 lst))) Question 3: Sorting a list Signature: insertion-sort(lst) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define insertion-sort (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) lst (let* ((max (maximum lst)) (rest (filter (lambda (x) (not (= max x))) lst))) (cons max (insertion-sort rest)))))) Signature: insertion-sort(lst) Type: [List(Number)->List(Number)] (define insertion-sort (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) lst (let* ((max (maximum lst)) (rest (filter (lambda (x) (not (= max x))) lst))) (cons max (insertion-sort rest)))))) Implementation with sequence operations:
12 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: accumulate(op,initial,sequence) Purpose: Accumulate by ’op’ all sequence elements, starting (ending) with ’initial’ Type: [[T1*T2 -> T2]*T2*LIST(T1) -> T2] (define accumulate (lambda (op initial sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (accumulate op initial (cdr sequence)))))) Signature: accumulate(op,initial,sequence) Purpose: Accumulate by ’op’ all sequence elements, starting (ending) with ’initial’ Type: [[T1*T2 -> T2]*T2*LIST(T1) -> T2] (define accumulate (lambda (op initial sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (accumulate op initial (cdr sequence)))))) Question 4: Currying a recursive function - accumulate Recall the implementation of accumulate: Q: How would you Curry the procedure accumulate, delaying the sequence parameter?
13 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: c-accumulate-naive (op,initial) Type: [[[T*T->T]*T ->[List(T)->T]] Purpose: Partial application of accumulate (by operator and initial) (define c-accumulate-naive (lambda (op initial) (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) ((c-accumulate-naive op initial) (cdr sequence))))))) Signature: c-accumulate-naive (op,initial) Type: [[[T*T->T]*T ->[List(T)->T]] Purpose: Partial application of accumulate (by operator and initial) (define c-accumulate-naive (lambda (op initial) (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) ((c-accumulate-naive op initial) (cdr sequence))))))) Question 4: Currying a recursive function - accumulate Naïve Currying of accumulate:
14 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: c-accumulate-op-initial (op,initial) Type:[[[T*T->T]*T ->[List(T)->T]] Purpose: Partial application of accumulate (by operator and initial) (define c-accumulate-op-initial (lambda (op initial) (letrec ((iter (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (iter (cdr sequence))))))) iter))) Signature: c-accumulate-op-initial (op,initial) Type:[[[T*T->T]*T ->[List(T)->T]] Purpose: Partial application of accumulate (by operator and initial) (define c-accumulate-op-initial (lambda (op initial) (letrec ((iter (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial (op (car sequence) (iter (cdr sequence))))))) iter))) Question 4: Currying a recursive function - accumulate A better version: >(define add-accum (c-accumulate-op-initial + 0)) >(add-accum '(1 2 3)) 6 >(add-accum '(4 5 6)) 15
2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: c-accumulate-sequence(seq) Type: [List(T)-> [[T*T->T]*T->T ] Purpose: Curried version of accumulate (by sequence) (define c-accumulate-sequence (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) (lambda (op initial) initial) (let ((rest (c-accumulate-sequence (cdr sequence)))) (lambda (op initial) (op (car sequence) (rest op initial))))))) Signature: c-accumulate-sequence(seq) Type: [List(T)-> [[T*T->T]*T->T ] Purpose: Curried version of accumulate (by sequence) (define c-accumulate-sequence (lambda (sequence) (if (null? sequence) (lambda (op initial) initial) (let ((rest (c-accumulate-sequence (cdr sequence)))) (lambda (op initial) (op (car sequence) (rest op initial))))))) Question 4: Currying a recursive function - accumulate Currying by the sequence parameter: >(define lst-accum (c-accumulate-sequence '(1 2 3))) >(lst-accum + 0) 6 >(lst-accum * 1) 6
16 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: dists_k(ls,k) Type: [List(Number*Number) -> List(Number)] Examples: (dists_k (list (cons 3 4) (cons 3 7) (cons 15 12) (cons 3 12)) 3) => '( ) Signature: dists_k(ls,k) Type: [List(Number*Number) -> List(Number)] Examples: (dists_k (list (cons 3 4) (cons 3 7) (cons 15 12) (cons 3 12)) 3) => '( ) Question 5: Using filter an map Implement the procedure dists_k: (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (if (null? ls) ls (let ((xcord (caar ls)) (ycord (cdar ls)) (rest (dists_k (cdr ls) k))) (if (= xcord k) (cons (dist xcord ycord) rest) rest))))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (if (null? ls) ls (let ((xcord (caar ls)) (ycord (cdar ls)) (rest (dists_k (cdr ls) k))) (if (= xcord k) (cons (dist xcord ycord) rest) rest))))) Implementation without sequence operations:
17 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Signature: dists_k(ls,k) Type: [List(Number*Number) -> List(Number)] Examples: (dists_k (list (cons 3 4) (cons 3 7) (cons 15 12) (cons 3 12)) 3) => '( ) Signature: dists_k(ls,k) Type: [List(Number*Number) -> List(Number)] Examples: (dists_k (list (cons 3 4) (cons 3 7) (cons 15 12) (cons 3 12)) 3) => '( ) Question 5: Using filter an map Implement the procedure dists_k: (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) Implementation with sequence operations: Q: Could you think of a way to improve this Implementation? A list of pairs with X-coordinate equal to k.
18 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Question 5: Using filter an map (define dist (lambda (x y) (sqrt (+ (sqr x) (sqr y))))) Examine the procedure dist: (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) A list of pairs with X-coordinate equal to k.
19 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Question 5: Using filter an map (define dist (lambda (x y) (sqrt (+ (sqr x) (sqr y))))) Examine the procedure dist: (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) A list of pairs with X-coordinate equal to k. (define c_dist (lambda (x) (let ((xx (sqr x))) (lambda (y) (sqrt (+ (sqr y) xx)))))) (define c_dist (lambda (x) (let ((xx (sqr x))) (lambda (y) (sqrt (+ (sqr y) xx)))))) A curried version of the procedure dist:
20 2. Partial evaluation with Currying Question 5: Using filter an map (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (map (lambda (x) (dist (car x) (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls)))) A list of pairs with X-coordinate equal to k. (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (let ((dist_k (c_dist k))) (map (lambda (x) (dist_k (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls))))) (define dists_k (lambda (ls k) (let ((dist_k (c_dist k))) (map (lambda (x) (dist_k (cdr x))) (filter (lambda (x) (= (car x) k)) ls))))) New version of dists_k:
21 3. Lazy lists Some reminders: 1.Lazy-lsits are serial data-structures that allow delayed computation. 2.There is no need to store the entire list elements in memory. 3.Lazy-lists may represent infinite series. 4.The type of Lazy-lists is defined recursively: LazyList = {()} union T*[Empty->LazyList] Signature: cons(head, tail) Type: [T * [Empty->LazyList] -> LazyList] Purpose: Value constructor for lazy lists Signature: cons(head, tail) Type: [T * [Empty->LazyList] -> LazyList] Purpose: Value constructor for lazy lists Signature: head(lzl) Type:[LazyList -> T] Purpose: Selector for the first item of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl is not empty Signature: head(lzl) Type:[LazyList -> T] Purpose: Selector for the first item of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl is not empty Signature: tail(lzl) Type: [LazyList -> LazyList] Purpose: Selector for the tail (all but the first item) of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl is not empty Signature: tail(lzl) Type: [LazyList -> LazyList] Purpose: Selector for the tail (all but the first item) of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl is not empty
22 3. Lazy lists Some reminders: 1.Lazy-lsits are serial data-structures that allow delayed computation. 2.There is no need to store the entire list elements in memory. 3.Lazy-lists may represent infinite series. 4.The type of Lazy-lists is defined recursively: LazyList = {()} union T*[Empty->LazyList] Signature: take(lzl,n) Type: [LazyList * Number-> List] Purpose: Creates a List out of the first n items of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl length is at least n, n is a natural number Post-condition: result[i]=lzl[i] for any i in range 0::n-1 Signature: take(lzl,n) Type: [LazyList * Number-> List] Purpose: Creates a List out of the first n items of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl length is at least n, n is a natural number Post-condition: result[i]=lzl[i] for any i in range 0::n-1 Signature: nth(lzl,n) Type: [LazyList * Number-> T] Purpose: Gets the n-th item of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl length is at least n, n is a natural number Post-condition: result=lzl[n-1] Signature: nth(lzl,n) Type: [LazyList * Number-> T] Purpose: Gets the n-th item of lzl (a lazy list) Pre-condition: lzl length is at least n, n is a natural number Post-condition: result=lzl[n-1]
23 3. Lazy lists Examples: Signature: integers-from(low) Purpose: Create a lazy-list containing all integers bigger than n-1 by their order. Pre-condition: n is an integer (define integers-from (lambda (n) (cons n (lambda () (integers-from (+ 1 n)))))) Signature: integers-from(low) Purpose: Create a lazy-list containing all integers bigger than n-1 by their order. Pre-condition: n is an integer (define integers-from (lambda (n) (cons n (lambda () (integers-from (+ 1 n)))))) >(head (integers-from 5)) 5 >(head (tail (integers-from 5))) 6
24 3. Lazy lists (define seven-boom! (lambda (n) (cons (cond ((= (modulo n 7) 0) 'boom) ((has-digit? n 7) 'boom) ((= (modulo (sum-digits? n) 7) 0) 'boom) (else n)) (lambda () (seven-boom! (+ n 1)))))) (define seven-boom! (lambda (n) (cons (cond ((= (modulo n 7) 0) 'boom) ((has-digit? n 7) 'boom) ((= (modulo (sum-digits? n) 7) 0) 'boom) (else n)) (lambda () (seven-boom! (+ n 1)))))) Question 6: 7-Boom >(seven-boom! 1) ‘(1. # ) >(take (seven-boom! 1) 7) ‘( boom)
25 3. Lazy lists Question 7: Collatz conjecture For every n>1, the sequence of numbers (n,f(f),f(f(n)),…) eventually reaches 1. For example: 563 -> > 845 -> … 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 (define lzl-collatz (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) (cons n (lambda () (list))) (cons n (lambda () (if (= (modulo n 2) 0) (lzl-collatz (/ n 2)) (lzl-collatz (+ (* 3 n) 1 )))))))) (define lzl-collatz (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) (cons n (lambda () (list))) (cons n (lambda () (if (= (modulo n 2) 0) (lzl-collatz (/ n 2)) (lzl-collatz (+ (* 3 n) 1 )))))))) > (take (lzl-collatz 563) 44) '( )
26 3. Lazy lists Question 8: lzl-filter Signature: lzl-filter(pred lzl) Type: [[T -> Bool] * LazyList-> LazyList] Purpose: Creates a lazy list containing all members of lzl that fit the criteria pred (define lzl-filter (lambda (pred lzl) (cond ((null? lzl) lzl) ((pred (head lzl)) (cons (head lzl) (lambda () (lzl-filter pred (tail lzl))))) (else (lzl-filter pred (tail lzl)))))) Signature: lzl-filter(pred lzl) Type: [[T -> Bool] * LazyList-> LazyList] Purpose: Creates a lazy list containing all members of lzl that fit the criteria pred (define lzl-filter (lambda (pred lzl) (cond ((null? lzl) lzl) ((pred (head lzl)) (cons (head lzl) (lambda () (lzl-filter pred (tail lzl))))) (else (lzl-filter pred (tail lzl)))))) > (lzl-filter (lambda (n) (= (modulo n 3) 0)) (integers-from 0)) Q: How could we generate the lazy-list of all integers that are divisible by 3?
27 3. Lazy lists Question 8: Lazy list of prime numbers (define primes (cons 2 (lambda () (lzl-filter prime? (integers-from 3))))) (define primes (cons 2 (lambda () (lzl-filter prime? (integers-from 3))))) > (take primes 6) ’( ) (define prime? (lambda (n) (letrec ((iter (lambda (lz) (cond ((> (sqr (head lz)) n) #t) ((divisible? n (head lz)) #f) (else (iter (tail lz))))) )) (iter primes)) )) (define prime? (lambda (n) (letrec ((iter (lambda (lz) (cond ((> (sqr (head lz)) n) #t) ((divisible? n (head lz)) #f) (else (iter (tail lz))))) )) (iter primes)) ))
28 3. Lazy lists Question 8: Lazy list of prime numbers (define sieve (lambda (lz) (cons (head lz) (lambda () (sieve (lzl-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (head lz)))) (tail lz))))) )) (define primes1 (sieve (integers-from 2))) (define sieve (lambda (lz) (cons (head lz) (lambda () (sieve (lzl-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (head lz)))) (tail lz))))) )) (define primes1 (sieve (integers-from 2))) > (take primes1 7) ’( )