The Back Story
40 years of peace prior to the start of the war Tension started to rise in 1914 Europe Based on Militarism and Alliances
1864, German Kingdom of Prussia launched wars to unite German states into one nation 1870, Prussians attacked and defeated France France and Germany became enemies Germany aligned with Italy and Austria-Hungary Became the Triple Alliance 1871, Prussia unites Germany Birth of the powerful German Nation
New Alliance scared Russia Feared that Austria-Hungary would move east towards Russia Common interest against Germany and Austria- Hungary 1894, Franco-Russian Alliance Aid to the other country if they went to war with the Triple Alliance
The aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations.
Britain wanted to defend weaker nations against stronger nations Germany was becoming a powerful nation
Britain used its Navy to defend the island nation Both nations raced to build warships
Britain, France, and Russia Triple Entente Friendly understanding to support each other in war without a written agreement
NATIONALISMRIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION Feeling of Intense pride in one’s homeland European Nations viewed others as competition and were willing to go to war Nationalism and Imperialism were at odds Many nations wanted independence from the Empires formed by Imperialism People who share a national identity should have their own country and government Nations wanted independence Serbs Bosnians Croats Slovenes
Archduke Franz Ferdinand visited Bosnia Assassinated by Serbian National Serbian Government hoped that the attack would start a war with the Austria-Hungary Empire
Austria-Hungary relies on Germany for support after the attack Serbia relies on Russia and France for support July 28 war erupts Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia August 1, Germany declares war on Russia August 3, Germany declares war on France
Needed to go through Neutral Belgium to get to France Britain declared war on Germany when the Germans crossed into Belgium Allies Great Britain France Russia Italy Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary